In one of your discourses, you have mentioned that the Lord will not take birth in the Kali Yuga. But, as per the Holy Scriptures, it will be Kalki Bhagavan (holding a sword in one hand and riding a horse) who will destroy Adharma & protect the innocent. Doesn’t it seem contradictory?

The Kalki Avatar, it has been said, will happen at the fag end of the Kali Yuga. Moreover, Kalki avatar, according to the scriptures has been said as an Avatar to destroy and not protect. So, in that sense, the Lord will not take a ‘Pratyaksha Avatara’ in Kali Yuga..

Is’nt it this whole universe is the wonderful work of the Lord. Now-a-days we find every place on this earth infected with the negative energy. The question is: Is this because of the effect of Kali Yug or it is created by us? Kindly advise.

Kali yug is not something which is extraneous to us Humans. ‘Kalau Kalmasha Chittanaam..’ Kali lives as ‘negativity’ in the hearts of all. It is clearly said in our Puranas that people living in this age would have more negativity than divine positivity. Thankfully the scriptures also tell us the easy way out – Mahamantra kirtan.

Why does spiritualism enjoy less popularity amongst the young generation? They seem to get easily attracted to all materialistic short-lived pleasures of this world!

Firstly, it is because it is simply nature of the mind to go outside and reach out for trifling worldly pleasures. The problem is that the true philosophy is kept concealed and wrong philosophy is what is being propagated by fake masters. Unfortunately, weak-minded people are caught into it.