In the yester years, one to one interaction was possible to impart information regarding spiritual knowledge to help a person. Today with population explosion and other media that are influencing lives and also lack of time by most to attend such lectures as in yester years, spiritual media in our country has rarely reached out to a tomorrow’s youth. In light of this scenario, my question is as follows: What is the way to impart spiritual knowledge to a tomorrow’s youth?

Education will help in developing the intellectual faculties in an individual. Intellect is good. But it is not enough. It is not at all possible to realize the Lord using your intellect. When the intellect tries harder and harder to find the Absolute Truth, and eventually gets tired and gives up, it is then that the Lord appears there.
At every point in time, God has his own ways to reveal Himself to the world. He will do so at the opportune moment. He will never let down His true seekers

In one of your discourses, you have mentioned that the Lord will not take birth in the Kali Yuga. But, as per the Holy Scriptures, it will be Kalki Bhagavan (holding a sword in one hand and riding a horse) who will destroy Adharma & protect the innocent. Doesn’t it seem contradictory?

The Kalki Avatar, it has been said, will happen at the fag end of the Kali Yuga. Moreover, Kalki avatar, according to the scriptures has been said as an Avatar to destroy and not protect. So, in that sense, the Lord will not take a ‘Pratyaksha Avatara’ in Kali Yuga..

Is’nt it this whole universe is the wonderful work of the Lord. Now-a-days we find every place on this earth infected with the negative energy. The question is: Is this because of the effect of Kali Yug or it is created by us? Kindly advise.

Kali yug is not something which is extraneous to us Humans. ‘Kalau Kalmasha Chittanaam..’ Kali lives as ‘negativity’ in the hearts of all. It is clearly said in our Puranas that people living in this age would have more negativity than divine positivity. Thankfully the scriptures also tell us the easy way out – Mahamantra kirtan.

Why does spiritualism enjoy less popularity amongst the young generation? They seem to get easily attracted to all materialistic short-lived pleasures of this world!

Firstly, it is because it is simply nature of the mind to go outside and reach out for trifling worldly pleasures. The problem is that the true philosophy is kept concealed and wrong philosophy is what is being propagated by fake masters. Unfortunately, weak-minded people are caught into it.

In this Kali Yuga, we do mistakes with or without our knowledge. Though I chant the Maha Mantra, having committed so many mistakes in my daily life, I feel ashamed to stand before God and seek for his blessings the next time. What should I do?

It is a common for everybody in this world to commit mistakes. Especially the current yuga is notorious enough to compel you to commit mistakes. At the same time, this is not to encourage you to commit mistakes. It is not a grave sin as long as the mistakes are because of the fact that you are unable to control your senses. Chant the Maha Mantra without the feeling of guilt. As you chant it continuously, it will slowly bring a transformation in you even without your knowledge.

When will Kali Yuga end? I wish the universe will follow all the dharma mentioned in the Vedas.

Kali Yuga will not end in the near future. Even after this Kali Yuga, the next Yuga will start without a Pralaya. However, a lot of Mahatmas have foreseen a world with peace and non-violence. Rites, rituals and other religious practices will not exist in their true sense and they cannot be practiced in this Yuga. Nama Sankirtan and devotion will spread all over the world as that is the Dharma prescribed by the Vedas for the Kali Yuga.

You have said that there will not be a ‘Pralaya’ after this Kali Yuga. Can you explain it please?

Srimad Bhagavatam talks about four types of pralaya:
1. Nithya Pralaya – The change which happens to all the time, moment by moment.
2. Naimittika Pralaya – 1000 chatur Yugas is a day for Brahma, 1000 chatur yugas (Chatur yuga consists of Kruitha , Treta, Dwapara, Kali yugas) a night for Brahma. During Brahma’s night the three Lokas are destroyed and the rest (prakruti, the 5 bhootas, the 5 tanmatras etc.) remain intact. This is naimittika pralaya.
3. Prakruthika pralaya – Brahma has age of 100 years (1 day = 1000 chatur yuga / 1 night = 1000 chatur yuga). After Brahma’s 100 years, Praakrutika pralayam happens. Even prakruthi is in layam, totally beholden by the Lord.
4. Aatyaatmika Pralayam – Moksha of a jivan is Aatyathmika pralaya
Currently, it is the second half of Brahma’s Life ; 51st year, first day, 28th Chatur yuga (to give a simple illustration – if day starts at 6am, it is about 6:20 am for Brahma in his 51st year, first day!)
The details of this are found in the 4th Chapter of the 12th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

Swamiji, you have said, “God is perfect. An imperfection cannot come from the perfect.” All of us are the creations of the Almighty. Then how come many of us are imperfect in this Kaliyuga as evidenced by the present order of the world in terms of war and violence where most humans are involved in committing grave sins?

Anything that comes from the perfect cannot be imperfect. That which has come from perfection is also going towards perfection. When we see it en route to perfection, it seems to appear imperfect. That’s all.

While it is evident in Kaliyuga that the bad actions have their almost immediate reaction, there is hardly any evidence of the good getting good or getting rid of their problems. Your views, please?

Even from the Nama Dwaar website you can see the benefits that people are getting by chanting the Mahamantra . This itself is a crystal clear evidence that in the Kali Yuga, the good deeds definitely give you fruits – and that the best deed to perform is chanting the Mahamantra.

What is more important in Kaliyuga? Following dharma or surrendering dharma?

Following Dharma – specifically, Bhagavata Dharma.
What is Bhagavata Dharma? Reading Itihasas and Puranas, listening to them and performing Nama Kirtan always. These are the essentials of Bhagavata Dharma.
The Vedas speak about Dharma. The Bhagavata Dharma is verily the nuance of Dharma (‘Dharma Sookshma’). It is not only a revolutionary dharma, but also the most practical one.