How does the Guru know that a sishya needs Diksha at a particular time?

If a Guru does not know that, he is not a Guru.

How do I identify an enlightened person? Nowadays every other godman claims that he is an enlightened guru!

The very fact that they are claiming themselves to be enlightened, exposes that they are not enlightened! So search for the one who does not claim so!

Is the life of one who has surrendered to a Sadguru governed by His grace or by Karma?

If one had surrendered to the right guru, that will be his last birth. In that case, he will have to live through the rest of his karma in this birth itself. The Guru will schedule this appropriately for him and safely lead him to liberation. One important point to note here is that, if one does a complete surrender to a ‘Uttama Guru’, he comes under the influence of a special divine power that will take care of him.
The phenomenon is better experienced than explained.

I am not able to follow all that my Guru is asking me to do. I am able to do some chanting, attend satsang etc. but during other times of the day I want to enjoy life. Will my Guru hate me for being like this? Will things change gradually or will there be some sudden shock and change for the better. I am very confused as I am not able to lead a normal materialistic life nor follow the Guru’s prescribed path fully. Please help

The rarest of the rare is getting a Uttama Guru. When you have a Guru, you can peacefully rest. Do not let anything that happens to you or around you demoralize you.
Accept whatever happens as the divine grace of the Guru. Every moment of your life should be taken as His gift. Rest assured that every incident that happens is by His grace and happens for your well-being.
Gurus are here to make you happy and mentally sound. So do not lose heart.

I am so full of faults and impurities – lust greed, jealousy and so on. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to see that my Guru showers so much love and grace on me in spite of all my impurities!

The Guru sees only love. There are many people who are born in orthodox, pious families, take only vegetarian food; abstain from eating even onions, offer the food to the Lord every time they partake of it, perform regular prayers and good deeds, and always live in a divine atmosphere. Even such people are not able to overcome lust, jealousy, greed and so on. If that is the case, then what about the rest? So don’t think that your faults and impurities will keep you away from the Guru. He sees only your love and blinds himself to all other aspects.
Pure love has a wonderful magical power – it can soften the rough, convert impure to pure, dirty to clean poor to rich, fool to wise and eventually, man to God.

How can I know that God or my Guru accepts my affection and blesses me? I used to chant MahaMantra when I keep silence. Nowadays whenever I maintain silence my mind automatically starts chanting the MahaMantra. It repeats by itself even if I don’t make an effort to chant. Why is it so?

That is the real symbol that you have received Guru and God’s grace. No other indicator is necessary.

I feel very sorry for having spoken and behaved in a way that hurt my Guru. All our scriptures advocate that one should constantly work for earning the blessings of the Guru. What can I do to make my Guru happy?

Chant the Mahamantra.

What should I do to get my Guru’s Grace?

Chant, Chant, Chant…

We come from a Madhva family and we have always been considering Raghavendra Swami as our guru. Do we then need to take Diksha from another guru?

If you possess intense Bhakti, your Guru will come by himself (even if he does not physically exist) to you in your dreams and initiate you in your dreams or in your meditation. Otherwise, you can take initiation from a living Guru from the same lineage.

I wish to know if we can choose the Guru or does God show us one.

Many people believe that only with the help of Guru can one attain God. It is actually the other way round – only with the help of God can one attain a real Guru.