answers and beyonds

Do we have to believe in horoscope knowing fully our destiny is all pre-determined?

It is up to you. If you believe that the planets decide your life, then you can believe in horoscope. If you believe that Krishna decides your life, then it does not matter.

I was born in ‘Garga’ gothram and ‘Hastham’ star. What is the significance of my gothram and star.

The word ‘Gothra’ literally means, ‘to take care of the cows’. In days yonder, the foremost duty of a disciple was to take care of the cows of the Maharshi who was his guru. So if you say you are born in a ‘gothra’, then it means that you belong to the lineage of that Maharshi. The genes of that Maharshi are still present in you, till date. This is confirmed by modern-day science, which corroborates the theory of genetic inheritance.
Gargacharya was one such Maharshi, whom we find quoted in Puranas like Srimad Bhagavatam. He was the purohit for the Yadhu Vamsa, in which Sri Krishna was born. It was he who named Balarama and Krishna.
The 27 constellations in our astronomy represent the 27 organs of the cosmic ‘Purusha’. Your star ‘hastham’ (translates in Sanskrit as ‘hand’) literally represents the hand of this Purusha.
This is the 13th of the 27 stars. The sign is ruled by the planet Mercury and governed by the Moon.
Those belonging to this star are well versed in Vedas, or merchandisers and are energetic and industrious. They are also merciless, impudent, thievish and fond of drinking. They could be charioteers, elephant riders, artisans or robbers.
They mainly belong to professions relating to commerce, salesmanship, overseas business – export and import, communication and mails, shipping and clearing, sanitation, textile and yarn, bridges dam sites, canal and tunnel construction engineering, press, ink and printing ink manufacturing etc. They could also be advocates, artists, painters, politicians or mercenaries like ambassadors or messengers.
Those born in this star are susceptible to self-pity, negative thoughts and imaginations, fear / phobias, hysteria and the like.

Why should we believe in astrology?

Primarily, astrology is a science based on astronomical / mathematical calculations. Secondly, it is the available proof for ‘karma’ theory, which is the reason for all the happenings in the world.

My Star is Tiruvonam and Rashi is Makaram. I want to know about my job and future. Can you please help me?

It does not matter what you star is and what your Rashi is. Follow the words of the Guru, surrender completely to Lord Krishna and chant the Maha Mantra with utmost faith. Where there is faith, there is no fate. Everything will fall into place automatically.

Red and black ants have infested my pooja room and consume the offerings meant for the Lord as well as the ‘kolam’. Is it okay to use insecticides to keep their numbers from swelling?

It is certainly a sin to kill ants in the pooja room. Scriptures say that if one kills small helpless creatures, one is bound to get skin diseases in the next birth.
The very act of drawing ‘kolams’ is so that ants and cows can feed on it. So it is not advisable to use insecticides in your pooja room.

We are studying Hinduism and recently learned about reincarnation. My friend said, “If Hindus believe in reincarnation then why don’t they kill animals for food? Doesn’t it help them to achieve a better birth each time until liberation because they are sacrificing themselves to feed you?”

Extending your friend’s logic, if killing animals is better than killing plants, the best way is to better kill humans themselves! It sounds very illogical isn’t it? Tell your dear friend that death is not a guarantee for a better birth in our religion!

We always say that killing living beings is a sin. But we use silk by killing silkworm and silk is used as part of many rituals. What is the significance then?

It is true that killing living beings is a sin and the Vedas rightly say so. However, in some cases, if the benefit that the person and the society derive out of such a killing is significant, it shall be excused.
During a child’s Upanayanam (sacred thread ceremony), at the time of Brahmopadesam (when the ward is initiated into the sacred Gayatri Mantra) by the father or the Guru, they are covered in a silk cloth. Likewise, silk is also used in other ceremonies and rituals. The reason behind this being, silk has a unique property of retaining the radiations of the Mantras.
Giving a little more thought into it, even consuming certain plants and vegetables (like spinach or greens, tubers etc.) amount to killing lives.
Hence, it is generally accepted that in instances where such a harm is inevitable for survival, do the minimum harm possible.

What kind of impact would it have on my karma if I kill an insect, or a fly? Is that a sin?

The dharma prescribed varies as per the Ashrama. that is, if one is a Sanyasi – (a renounced person), the prescribed norms are very stringent. If he kills an insect even if it harms him it is a sin. He is not allowed to do so. but for a householder, it is different. If an insect harms him, he can kill it, if necessary. That would not amount to a sin. but if he does it purposefully or for pleasure it is a sin.
Shastras state that if a person kills helpless beings like insects and flies, he will contract skin diseases in his future birth.
In short, a householder can kill an insect as an act of self-defense if harmed by it. It is not a sin.

Why some people offer animals to God as sacrifice? Does God really like’s those offerings?

Even with respect to Gods, there are three types of Gods – Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Rajasic and tamasic Gods are offered animal sacrifices and alcohol. Sattvic offerings are done to Sattvic Gods.
In general one inherits the qualities of the God whom he propitiates. So it is always advisable to propitiate Sattvic deities.

Basically, isn’t killing a living being a sin? But we use repellants to ward off, in fact kill the mosquitoes, and traps and rat poisons to kill rats, and we hit cockroaches when we see them inside our homes. Now is this right? If these aren’t done they prove to be a big menace for us.

All the main religions (viz. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) propagate non-violence, however, allow to some extent sacrifices in the Name of God. The speciality about Hinduism is that, it is permitted and prohibited according to the way of one’s life. A householder is allowed to kill beings in order to protect himself and lead his life, whereas when a renunciate (‘Sanyasi’) kills even a small living being even if it afflicts pain on him, it is considered a grave sin.
In general, according to our Shastras, it is sin to kill harmless and helpless living beings. They prescribe that by doing so, one would be afflicted with skin diseases in his next birth. It is advisible to do the minimum amount of harm to other beings to lead a peaceful and happy life.