answers and beyonds

In Bhagavatam, I remember reading that Bhakti is more difficult to attain than Mukti. Is your preaching (Nama Sankirtan) aiming at Bhakti or Mukti? If what Bhagavatam says is true, any other way to attain the Lord (other than bhakti) must be easier, isn’t it?

Bhakti can be divided into two types – Sadhana Bhakti and Sadhya Bhakti. Sadhya Bhakti is also known as Prema Bhakti. The goal of Sadhana bhakti is Sadhya bhakti, similar to the one of the Gopis. It is that Bhakti that Srimad Bhagavatam refers to as the most difficult, because, the state of Prema Bhakti is nothing but Mukti.
Sadhana bhakti is the nine types of Sadhanas that Prahlada says – Sravanam, Kirtanam, Smaranam, Pada Sevanam, Vandanam, Dasyam, Archanam, Sakhyam and Aatma Nivedanam. When these are done not expecting any worldly return, with the sole aim of attaining Prema Bhakti, it will take us to that state.
Generally, the term ‘Bhakti’ refers to Sadhana Bhakti – the path towards the goal. As a simple example, when we are in the process of making tea, we simply say that “the tea is being made” though tea is not done until the process is over. The same way, the term ‘Bhakti’ is generally used to denote the Sadhana bhakti. But, that is not what Srimad Bhagavatam refers to.

How does one define a good character? What is the yardstick to measure it?

There is not one straightforward definition for good character. The yardstick varies with perspectives. For example, everyone’s minds have their own definition of good and bad qualities. A society might consider a person of character, only if he performs charitable social work like building schools, hospitals etc.
What we ought to consider as good traits, is what has been prescribed in the holy scriptures and epics. This is because the Maharshis had recorded the scriptures by dint of their severe austerities and not by anyone’s influence. So they are unbiased. Accordingly, Sri Rama can be considered as an embodiment of character. In this age, if one stands up to even one percentage of the qualities portrayed in Sri Rama, then he can be considered a man of character.

How can I stay away from a gossiping group and avoid indulging myself into it?

Cultivate the habit of reading good books, specially those about saints’ lives.
Listen to divine lectures and spiritually awakening talks.
Observe silence for a few minutes or hours everyday.
The more interest you show in an unwanted conversation, the tendency of gossip grows. In such a conversation, it is always good respond with minimal words or by just nodding the head. As you stop encouraging such conversations, others will automatically refrain from talking to you.

My family members chant the Mahamantra regularly. This has not changed their behaviour or attitude. They seem to be finding fault with others and hurt others with their words or behavior. How will God grace remain with such people who knowingly hurt or insult others? If people do mistakes even after realizing that Satsang, Guru and Mahamantra can reach one to God, will Mahamantra help them? I am the victim of their behavior. I have totally lost my peace of mind due to this. I need your advice to come out of such frequent but difficult phases in my life.

Let us assume that a person wishes to undertake a pilgrimage from Kanyakumari to Badrinath. He can take to any mode of travel in order to undertake his journey. Each mode has its own merits and demerits. Even if he chooses the best means of travel, would he reach Badrinath the moment he decides on his pilgrimage? No, isn’t it? It takes its own time and depends on a multitude of factors like the person’s interest, the effort he puts in, the environment and nature, and so many others.
Likewise, if someone wishes to attain God, he seeks a Guru and also chants. But it is unfair to expect to reach the goal immediately. At the same time, you cannot brand him as lacking progress entirely.
Hriday, who was very close to Sri Ramakrishna gave him a lot of troubles. Sri Girish Chandra Ghosh who was loved by Sri Ramakrishna never stopped drinking and womanizing until his last breath. Perumal Swami, who was one of the earliest devotees of Bhagavan Ramana and took such a good care of him later went against Bhagavan Ramana himself and wrote books tarnishing Bhagavan’s Name.
In fact, even Jagadguru Sri Dakshinamurthi has only four disciples.
True saints never try to hypnotize, mesmerize, brainwash or perform miracles and magic to change people; nor dothey change their disciples by mere command like in a military regiment.
True transformation largely depends on one’s sincere dedication and interest to get transformed. A flower has to blossom by itself. One cannot threaten it with a stick, can one? Everything will happen in its own course. So let us wait patiently. Until such a time, never allow any one or any event spoil your internal peace and happiness. Don’t interact with or react to anything. Watch it as a third person. Chant the Mahamantra and see everything as the Leela of the Lord. It might be initially difficult to be so, but it is not impossible. Practice it and you are sure to be successful.

Krishna says “Do not have attachments as it leads to sadness.” If a person is spiritual before entering Grihastashrama, it cannot be said he will be same after getting a family. I have seen people whose needs and wants have increased after their marriage. Wouldn’t marriage for a bachelor who is a spiritual aspirant make him more materialistic as will have less time for God?

These are generic statements that have been stated as a general guideline. However, it varies from person to person.
Intense spiritual Sadhanas foregoing family and the society is applicable only for Vedantis.
Bhaktas and those who follow the Bhagavata Dharma have always been exception to this rule. They never shy away from the duties of the Grihastashrama, and the Lord keeps them close to His heart in which ever state they are. Great Mahans who were Bhaktas of the highest order, like Jayadeva, Purandaradasa, Thiyagaraja and all the Pandarpur Sadhus are standing examples of this fact.

I am in my seventies. I am able to develop some level of detachment to children, grandchildren, even wife and in general wealth and its ramifications. My wife on the contrary has her concentration only on wealth. Please show me the way.

While you have developed a level of detachment for your family and children, let it mature enough to extend to your wife’s perceptions also.

A man is very much attached to his family. His sense of caring for their well being always keeps him tensed and worried. Is there a way wherein he can be mentally relaxed and free of worries? How can he attach himself solely to God?

When you travel in the bus, you are merely sitting. The moving bus is not the least worried. Only the driver of the bus and you are worried. Is it not?
Try to constantly remember and internalize the fact that your body is merely an instrument and the operator is none other than Lord Krishna. He is driving it. Then why worry?
One feels safe if he is employed in a big company with a huge turnover. One feels safe if he was born in a wealthy family.
Likewise, one can be totally free and happy in this world, if he surrenders completely to Lord Krishna, for, He is the supreme.

How to practice effectively the concept of “attached detachment” and “detached attachment” in worldly life?

Imagine yourself traveling to a temple in an auto rickshaw. The auto rickshaw is speeding, taking left and right turns, stops for signals and so on. But you are silently sitting inside the autorickshaw without doing anything. Now tell me something. Who, at the first place desired to go to the temple, was it you or the autorickshaw? The autorickshaw that has no desires does the entire job, and you, who actually desired to go, are sitting silently. This is what Lord Sri Krishna says in the Gita, ‘See the Akarma in Karma and Karma in Akarma’.
Whatever you do, do without desires. If not, do it thinking of it as your duty. If not, do it in order to please the God or Guru.

I do not believe in astrology but I firmly believe in God. My wife consulted an astrologer and he predicts my current situation! I perform Nama Kirtan and prayers but nothing happens my way! What do I do?

Astrology is indeed a science. It is also accepted as the eyes of the Vedas. However, in the modern day, it is hard to find a good astrologer. Not only that, it is also important that the remedies that are suggested should be conformant with the Vedas and should be performed strictly as prescribed therein. This is not completely possible in the modern age.
Faith in the Guru’s words, in prayer and in the Maha Mantra can surpass anything. Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar says, ‘If there is faith, then there is no fate.’ When there is sincere faith in Maha Mantra Kirtan, one can easily play football with the nine planets!

Today, so much concern and worship of Sani Bhagavan (Saturn) in view of its transition. It seems that my star is also affected and I am asked to chant special Slokas. Does the Mahamantra offer protection to me in these times also?

Absolutely yes! There lived a Mahatma in Tiruvannamalai by name, Yogiramsuratkumar. He always chanted the Ram Nam. By sheer power of Rama Nama, he cured innumerable diseases, blessed so many devotees with money, power wealth etc who came to him with mundane, worldly problems.
So there is nothing to fear. Have faith in the Mahamantra. When there is faith, there is no fate. Chant the Mahamantra with staunch, unshakable faith. Don’t nurture any doubt about it. It will protect you from any planetary effects. Not only that, Mahamantra is verily the Kalpatharu and Kalpaka Vruksha. It will fulfill all your desires.