answers and beyonds

What is dharma? ‘dharayate iti dharma’, then, what to do?

Based on the different time periods Dharma was different. In Kritha Yuga, Dhyana was the Dharma. In Tretha Yuga, Yagna was the Dharma. In Dwapara Yuga, Pooja was the Dharma. In Kali Yuga, Nama Kirtan is the Dharma. Catch hold of the Divine Names of the Lord and chant them incessantly. That alone is enough.

We see many reports of forced conversions. What will be the state of our Sanatana Dharma in India in the near future? What is the duty of every Hindu to protect our Dharma?

The Vedas say ‘Dharmam Chara’ – we should ‘live’ Dharma. Not just talk about it. If we practice Dharma in its letter and spirit and have unshakeable conviction in Dharma, conviction begets conviction and we can ‘protect’ dharma by following it. Everyone can talk and propagate their conviction, we are doing ours. We propagate and live the Bhagavata Dharma which is the most practical Dharma for today’s age – comprising of singing and listening to Lord’s Names and glories.
To put it simply, Hindus should take to Bhagavata Dharma (perform Nama Kirtan) and make others do the same, instead of talking about something that will not suit this time at all.

Where will a human being go after his death?

After the body dies, the soul goes to different lokas (heaven or hell) based on the punya or papa and to the lokas of their ishta devata.

Does the remembrance of the Lord at the time of death depend on our past karma or because of spiritual endeavors during this life?

The remembrance of the Lord at the time of the death is neither due to past karma nor due to the spiritual endeavors during this life. It is only due to the grace of the Guru or God.

Does a child miscarried at three and a half months go to the after life in the world of spirit?

Yes, it goes to the appropriate abode.

I want to know about my death. What is death? I want to experience my death. I want to be aware of my death.

As long as the life-force (‘Prana’) is inside your body, you are said to be alive. The moment that the Prana leaves your body to take another body is called death.
The death of the body is not the real death. Even in medical science, it has been proved that real death is not the death of the body, but the death of the mind.
From a spirituality perspective, real death is when you realize God, or realize the Self within you. That is because, it is only after then that you are not born anymore. Hence that is the real death.

How can one protect himself from the ill-effects of such curses?

By chanting the Mahamantra always, one can protect himself from all evil.

We have known and read that the curses of those with penance would affect a person. Does the same hold good for the curse of an ordinary individual too?

Yes, it does have some effect, though very miminal.

I am quite confused as to Why God create life? Then only the theory of Karma and bhakti and merging with Him came in. But in the first place why did God Create Life? If you can clear some of my confusion I will be very much thankful to you.

Before we answer this question, first contemplate and try to find an answer to the following question: “Who created this confusion within you?”

What is the surest way to know the Creator’s purpose for my role having been born as a human being?

You have now started thinking ‘What is the purpose of my Creation.’ That is the very purpose of Lord’s Creation.