answers and beyonds

I undertake fast on every Ekadashi and visit the temple. I get the Prasada (Anna Prasada) from the temple but I am in a predicament as to whether to partake of it or not, as on one hand the Lord and His Prasad are no different, and on the other hand, on Ekadashi day, one should abstain from eating rice. What should I do?

You can avoid the predicament by visiting any other Vishnu temple that does not serve ‘anna’ Prasad on Ekadashi day

Does Ekadasi Upavasa mean that we have to fast the entire day, or is it okay to take in something (except rice)? I drink coffee every morning and evening. Does this spoil my Upavasa?

There are different grades in observing Ekadasi Upavasa. Take one meal on a dasami day, fast completely (without even a drop of water) on Ekadasi day, and take one meal on the Dwadasi day. In this, if the Shravana Nakshatra falls on the Dvadasi day, then you should observe complete fast on that day too. On the Ekadasi day, you should not sleep at least until midnight. This is the most ideal.
Anything less than this is okay, as long as you don’t consume rice on Ekadasi day.

What is ‘Mohini Ekadasi’?

In Rukmangada Charitra, once a Mohini tried to entice Rukmangada. When the Mohini was relieved of her sins (‘shapa vimochana’), she requested that on those Ekadsai days, which have ‘puchcham’ (extension to the next day as a residue), a portion of the ‘phala’ (merits) be granted to her. Hence such and Ekadasi is called ‘Mohini Ekadasi’.

My grandson wants to know how the Ekadasi fast started and why we observe it. Please enlighten me.

The origin is in the Shastras. The shastras prescribe certain Vratas (fasts) that one has to observe during his lifetime. Some of these are optional while the others are compulsory. Ekadasi is one such compulsory ‘vrata’.

I made a mistake – I forgot and somehow missed Ekadasi fast. I am feeling terrible because I had rice. What must I do for Krishna to forgive me?

There is nothing to forgive because mistakes done unknowingly are not considered as mistakes. However, in future observe the Vratha with proper shraddha.

Are human beings permitted to eat meat? Please explain.

According to our scriptures, eating meat is permitted for some sections of people on the basis of their work and lifestyle. Even here, the scriptures do not compel or enforce meat intake.

According to our scriptures, why is alcohol consumption prohibited? My friend argues with me that taking a little bit of it, once in a while is harmless!

The food you eat and mind are directly related. The nature of your food directly affects the mind, positively or negatively as the case might be. Alcohol has a ‘tamasic’ nature and hence induces ‘tamasic’ thoughts in your mind. That is why it is to be avoided. Isn’t it just foolishness and adamancy to indulge in something knowing very well that it is not good for you? The little quantities are no more ‘little’ once a person is addicted. We see consequences of addiction to habits like alcohol, smoking and drugs everyday right in front of our eyes, don’t we?

If life form is present in everything we eat, isn’t eating equal to killing that very life?

For sustenance, we need to consume food, don’t we? So we do only the minimum harm in order to fetch the food that is needed for sustenance.
If we merely eat without performing bhajan, the harm is not at all justified. It is very much wrong. That is why it is said that don’t live without chanting.

Is there anything as such as “Drishti” (bad eye), or is it a mere superstition?

“Eyes are the windows to one’s mind. We know that sound travels in air and that is how a word uttered reaches another person’s ears. Just like that, our thoughts have also the potential to travel. This is how some are able to read others minds. When someone comes to meet us, if he is jealous, that affects us. Similarly, if a Sadhu or a Saint comes to our place, his benign thoughts does good to us.
That is what we call as ‘drishti’. It could be either benign or malicious.

In my dreams I have been seeing snakes quite often for the past several months. What does it mean?

It means that you are progressing in your spiritual practice