answers and beyonds

What types of employment can we undertake? What types of employers and employees should we avoid? Can we work as, say, an accountant in a liquor/ tobacco company?

If you perform ‘Karma Yoga’, (performing your job and offering the job as well as its results to God) then it does not matter. In our scriptures, there is an example of a great Jnani called Dharmavyada in the kingdom of Mithila, being a butcher by profession. If you do not possess enough mental strength, then it is advisable to abstain from such professions.

Why is money ruling today’s world? Why not pure love?

Pure Love and money never go together. That is the reason.

Now a main power is money. I always try to earn money in an honest way. I do not get time to pray to the Almighty. How can I make myself fit as a devotee of God?

In the Gita, the Lord says, ‘swalpamapi yasya dharmasya thraayate mahato bhayaat’, even if you do a very small Dharma, it will give you great benefit. The Lord who is all powerful and all knowing becomes bound by his devotee who chants His Names.
The easiest way to make yourself a devotee of the Lord is to chant His Divine Names regularly. There is no money or extra effort needed to go in this spiritual path. Where ever you are, what ever you do, you keep chanting His Names. That is enough.

I have been doing finance business (lending money to others for interest) and also accepting fixed deposits. Some say that by doing this business, I accumulate sins. Is it right to do this business? Is it okay to trade shares?

In general lending business is not very good. However share trading is acceptable.

I am a businessman. I wish to be honest and ethical, but the world calls me a fool. Does honesty and fear in God truly pay in the long run?

Honesty and fear in God pays immediately. How does it pay? In the form of inner excellence, clarity of mind, free and clear consciousness. Why do you always think only of money for results?

I am well contented person not having desire in material life. i am living a spiritual life doing Prayer,mediation, Pranayam etc. I work for a meager income. But my family and friends see me as a lazy person and brand me a failure. I leave all my future to God. Is it right or not?

Firstly, you have to understand the clear distinction between a Sadhu and a lazy person.
A Sadhu is a person who is totally dependent on God for everything – from small mundane things to anything big – even Mukti. He accepts whatever comes his way – as the blessings of God and will spend most of his time on prayers. The rest of his time will be spent in taking care the basic, minimal needs of his family. Sometimes, even a Sadhu’s mind may be disturbed by happenings around him, unnecessary talks, gossips and others’ opinion about him. But he will come out of it very soon and get back on track and continue with his prayers.

How can I help others and yet not get unduly attached? I wish to help and serve but sometimes get involved emotionally.

When ever you are helping someone, remind yourself that Krishna is only helping them and that you are only an instrument and nothing more. Pray to Krishna that you should not be affected by the outcome of the help.

I have read in one of your messages that we should not be susceptible to emotional injuries that others might inflict upon us or emotional influence that others might try to wield on us. How to grow into such a state?

Try to see Krishna in them and in everybody. Accept all the happenings around you as His divine plays. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and think how you would act. Act with wisdom/discrimination (‘viveka’) always. Whenever you are emotional, refrain from taking any critical decisions. Allow yourself to calm down before taking any decision. Whenever you take decisions, ensure that the decision is driven by the brain and not by the heart. If the later comes into play, it ends up in a mess. Control your emotions through asanas and simple breathing exercises. Be cheerful always and always remember that the sky is your limit. Small incidents in your day to day life should not affect your cheerfulness.

I am reading Bhagavat Gita and trying to follow what it says. Initially it seemed easy but it is not so anymore. I am losing my concentration. Secondly, I am short tempered and I want to change instantly. But as the change is gradual, I get frustrated at times. Please suggest ways to improve my concentration and the way I think about others.

The actual essence of Bhagavat Gita is surrender. – Surrender unto the Lord and be a mere instrument in His hands – that is what Bhagavat Gita conveys to us.
The easiest way to surrender is to chant the Mahamantra. Continuously chant the Mahamantra and eventually, you will attain the state of surrender. You will also see that while you chant the Mahamantra, you will slowly get rid of your negative qualities like short temper and your concentration, optimistic attitude and positive mentality will improve.

Whenever I see the deities of God (in temple, TV etc.), hear spiritual discourses or chant the Maha Mantra, tears run down my eyes. Why does this happen and what should I do?

Everyone in this world is unique by virtue of his/her mental faculties and emotional quotients. Some people are more emotional than others. In such a scenario, these incidents arise when you hear about / see the deities. However you should ignore them by not attaching much value to them and continue to chant the Maha Mantra. In due course of time, you will be just fine.