answers and beyonds

What is a God? Is it real or just a thing?

God is not even real. He is beyond that. He is the reality behind all we ‘think’ or see or hear or smell or touch or feel or speak.

What are the ways to see God directly?

There are infinite ways to attain the infinite.

I am heavily disturbed by the sufferings in life. Vedanta says the world is a dream. Some say that God created everything and it is He who gave us all the troubles and pleasures. Others say that we are responsible for our own doings and should not blame God. Why is life so complicated? Why is there so much confusion in life? Can’t it be all simple? Can’t I see God as a good and open mind? Can’t I treat him as my best friend, philosopher and guide? Can I not look unto him for motherly affection?

Since time immemorial, there are different schools of thoughts:
‘Lokayatham’ is a school of thought which says that one does not need to bother about what is not seen and experienced, and enjoy the world as long as you are in it. It neither accepts nor disputes God.
‘Nasthikam’ is a school of thought that does not accept God.
‘Iyarkaivaadam’ is an argument which claims that the Nature is the reason for all creation. That is, there is no Creator or God, and that everything evolved of its own.
‘Aasthikam’ is the school that believes in the existence of the supreme power – the Creator. Even after knowing and accepting Lord, there are two types of people, one, those who seek Lord by following the prescribed paths shown in scriptures and the second, those who do not yearn to attain Lord, but lead a worldly life and pray to Lord for material gains alone.
Even if millions of people shout aloud and proclaim the existence of a non-existent thing, it will not come in to existence. Similarly even if millions of people join hands and deny a thing which does exist it will not cease to exist. Like wise even with thousand philosophies if any one denies Lord it is not the loss for Lord but for the person who denies it
One need not accept anything blindly but should accept the right path after questioning and obtaining suitable answers. But questioning and finding the answers alone will not lead to Lord. At a particular stage, one should stop questioning and travel in the direction shown by answers obtained.
For example reading the sign board again and again and questioning the way again and again one will never reach the destination. In fact that doesn’t take us even an inch forward. One has to travel in the direction shown to them to reach the destination.
Doing such rational enquiry and following the direction shown by the scriptures, one can conclude that the end is to awaken the Divinity within oneself – the infinite bliss. To awaken the Divinity and experience the infinite bliss, there are different paths. But one has to identify the path suitable to them and work in the direction. As you say that you want a simple way out, you should put your efforts in the right direction.
The right direction, which is tried and tested, is Chanting the Divine Name – a path shown by our scriptures which can be followed by one and all in the present age and living conditions. God’s Name and God are one and the same according to our scriptures and as experienced, taught and propagated by various Mahatmas. Chanting the Name of the Lord is the easiest and surest path as there is no scope for any negative effects. Faith, practice of Nama Kirtan (Chanting the Name of Lord) and surrender to the Lord is the easiest way for liberation
This is the simplest and the most straightforward path, best suited for this age, without you having to renounce or forsake anything and still experience exactly the same supreme state of Liberation. As you proceed in this path, you can feel your love and devotion for God increasing day by day and you can realize Him just like you wanted to – the best friend, philosopher and guide.
All the souls in this world are born to attain liberation. Even if we do not work for it now and attain it today, we definitely HAVE TO attain the same some day. If it so, why not now?

What’s the best way to forgive so that past doesn’t haunt us again?

Forgive in the Name of Krishna. That is the one and only way.

What does ‘forgiveness’ really mean? I am not able to forget the past.

Forgiveness is actually letting go of other people’s trash which we had held close to our heart!

What is fear? how to overcome all kinds of fear?

Fear is the dimension of mind when one feels out of control. When the environment is such that he can overpower the situation, this emotion exhibits itself as anger. When the situation overpowers him, it exhibits itself as fear.
By merely chanting the Maha Mantra, all kinds of fear can be overcome.

Is it necessary to undertake fasting? I know that for health reasons it is good to give rest to our intestine but what is the spiritual connection? Does our Bhakti increases by fasting or does God get impressed? Please explain.

By observing fasts, you appreciate better the pain of hunger and thereafter discern the need for helping the poor and needy.
By observing fasts, your senses lose the strength. So on that day, your actions will reduce, and so do the number of sins you commit too.
By fasting, your mind becomes calm. It is easier to contemplate on God in a calm mind than in a tumultuous mind.
Over and above all these reasons, the rules for fasting has been mentioned in the Shastras.
It is not possible to reason out in its entirety using our intellect. Even if we try to do so, it may be only one such reasons. There may be so many other reasons that are not visible to the naked eye and the intellect.
Ekadasi is one such fast which has to be regularly observed. When thus observed, God will certainly be pleased, for the very reason that you are abiding by the Shastras.

How one should undertake a Vrata(‘Upavasa’)? What are the do’s and don’ts while undertaking ‘Upavasa’?

The one performing Upavasa should wake up before sunrise. He should take bath early in the morning chanting the Name of Hari. He should not shave or cut hair on that day. He should refrain from sleeping during the day. At night, he should sleep on the floor and not on comfortable cushioned beds and should refrain from any sensual pleasures. A married man should not sleep with his spouse.
He should not consume any food from outside and that which has been partaken by someone else, and that which has not been offered to the Lord.
He should observe silence or perform Nama Kirtan and always remain in the memory of the LorD

I am financially insecure. What will be my future? Is there any change in my profession?

When God is there, why worry? Have faith in Him, chant and pray sincerely. Don’t be dejected. Be cheerful and chant the Mahamantra with faith. That is enough. It will give you the desired results.

Is it considered gambling to put money into a stock market, if the intent is to eventually use the money for sat-karya?

Stock-trading cannot necessarily be considered gambling.