answers and beyonds

Is it possible for someone to lead a life of truthfulness without a Guru?

One has to have an enormous amount of will power to live a life of truthfulness without a Guru.

Who is a perfect Guru?

A perfect Guru is one who has seen God and helps you reach Him.

When can I see my Guru, who can bless and show me a way to live? How to come over my sorrows and be blessed?

You will get a Uttama Guru some day. Until you find a Guru to your satisfaction, take Bhagavan Sri Krishna as your Guru. He is verily the Jagadguru (the Universal Master). With Sri Krishna as your Guru, continue to chant the Maha Mantra regularly. If you continue on this path, you will have a new life ahead of you.

I want to know how many Satgurus can one have in his life?

There can be only one Guru for a person.

What is the best offering that I can give to my Guru Maharaj?

The best offering that a child can give to his/her parents is being obedient and loving.
The best offering that a student can give to a teacher is being a performer with character.
The best offering that a citizen can give to his country, is being useful to the country in all ways and means.
The best offering that a doctor can give to his patient is providing the right medicine at the right time
The best offering that a friend can give to his friend is helping him in times of need
The best offering that a couple can give each other is perfect mutual understanding
The best offering that an artist can be given is the recognition of his merit and skill
The best offering that a devotee can give to God is unbounded love for Him
The best offering that a disciple can give to the Guru is realizing that nothing else can equal his grace.

Can you kindly tell me what characteristics should a Sadguru’s sincere disciple possess?

A sincere disciple will have an unshakable love for his Master. Apart from this unique quality, he should possess all the other virtues of any disciple.

If a person’s life is according to his poorva vasana/destiny, How can a guru help him?

We may have taken thousands of births and committed millions of sins. No matter how colossal that figure maybe, it is unquestionably well within the realm of the finite. Guru’s boundless grace though, is immeasurable, limitless and infinite.
The tapas and grace of the Sadguru can make up for his Karmas and takes him to the path of liberation quicker.

I have heard that there are two types of Gurus – ‘Niyat’ (who makes you understands your True Self) and ‘Aniyat’ (who leads you to prayer and worship). Which kind of Guru should one follow?

Prayers and worship eventually lead one to the Realization of your True Self Hence one should follow both kinds of Gurus, in that order

What is the difference between a mother and a Guru?

Although mother’s love is supreme, it is only human. Guru’s love is divine.

I just love God and my Guru. But some say that one should fear God. I dont get any fear on either. converse with them as I would, to my most lovable friend. Am I doing something wrong? Should I fear them?

There is a beautiful word in English – ‘AWE’. Kindly look up the meaning in the dictionary. That is exactly the feeling that we should develop for God and the Guru.