answers and beyonds

It is said that human birth is rare and that it comes by only after millions of years of performing merits. But we see some humans in a pathetic state, not only very poor but, some a few of them treated worse than animals. If they had accrued merits in their previous births to be born as a human, why are they in this state? Some animals, like dogs live a posh life in a rich man’s home! Why is it so?

By performing a particular good deed, there is a particular merit that one accrues. Some good deeds fetch a good wife, some other fetches riches, beauty, fame, long life, health and so on. This is true for sins too. A particular sin committed results in poverty, yet another results in childlessness, mental imbalance, cowardice, disrepute and so on.
So if one does the good deeds that fetch him human birth, he is born as a human. He might not have done enough ‘punya’ to enjoy a posh and comfortable life.

Why does God make us suffer even though we are good? The general response I get is that it is because of the Karma done in previous births. It makes us feel that God is cruel. Mahans call him a sea of compassion, and like our mother, full of mercy. Then why does He not forgive our mistakes? Can’t He make us realize our mistakes with love and affection? Even if one has to be punished, should the punishment not be then and there, so that one understands the mistakes and corrects them?

When one participates in a motor race or wants to become a solider, he very well understands the risk involved in the job.
Renouncing everything in life and becoming a monk is very easy. But those who take to family life are really courageous and are ready to face the challenges in life. In that sense, they are great. Once we have opted to take this path, we should face it without whining about it.
The real reason for sorrows in life is not the problems one encounters; it is rather the ego. One prefers to keep the ego rather than trying to overcome the problem. Now the root cause is obvious, isn’t it?
There are always different viewpoints to any idea. Had the Lord started punishing us then and there, you would then ask, why not the Lord wait for us to regret for our mistakes and correct them!

Prarabdha Karma is that part of karma one is trying exhaust in ones lifetime. Prarabdha Karma is something that can’t be changed. Is it true that even Brahman (the ultimate truth) can not change one’s prarabdha karma?

The Lord never removes one’s Karma even though He has the power to do it. This is because the human mind is so doubt-ridden that if God removes one’s bad Karma, he may be worried that God might remove his good deeds too!

All our activities – punya (merits) or sins, are according God’s will. If that is the case, then why do we take births on account of our merits and sins?

Although you are performing good deeds or sins according to ‘prarabda’ or God’s will, the moment you attach ownership and feel that you are responsible for the good or the bad, you get entangled in the vicious ‘Karma’ cycle.
If you attain a state where you don’t feel proud for the good you do and don’t feel guilty for the bad, then you are relieved from the cycle of births and deaths. However this is more easily said than done.
Jivan Muktas live in this world even after they have attained liberation because these factors do not affect them.

Great Saints and Mahans say that once we dip in the Ganges, all the sins done in our numerous births will be destroyed. So many people have taken a dip with good faith, including me. When all the sins are destroyed, there should not be any suffering.Am I right?

Sins can be classified into three – ones that we did in our previous Janmas, those that we do in this Janma and those that we are going to do in future. The moment you took this birth, the sins of your previous birth start yielding fruit and there is no escape from them. Hence you have no go but to experience its effects. However, by taking a dip in the Ganges, the sins of your current birth are wiped off.
It is for you to abstain from sinning in future, to avoid future sufferings.

It is said that we are all instruments in Lord’s hands. When everything is decided/done by Him, why do we have so many bad things happening? Is it not done by Him? Then why are we suffering for things done by Him as though they are done by us?

Because of your ‘I’.

In this Kali Yuga, we do mistakes with or without our knowledge. Though I chant the Maha Mantra, having committed so many mistakes in my daily life, I feel ashamed to stand before God and seek for his blessings the next time. What should I do?

It is a common for everybody in this world to commit mistakes. Especially the current yuga is notorious enough to compel you to commit mistakes. At the same time, this is not to encourage you to commit mistakes. It is not a grave sin as long as the mistakes are because of the fact that you are unable to control your senses. Chant the Maha Mantra without the feeling of guilt. As you chant it continuously, it will slowly bring a transformation in you even without your knowledge.

Why does spiritualism enjoy less popularity amongst the young generation? They seem to get easily attracted to all materialistic short-lived pleasures of this world!

Firstly, it is because it is simply nature of the mind to go outside and reach out for trifling worldly pleasures. The problem is that the true philosophy is kept concealed and wrong philosophy is what is being propagated by fake masters. Unfortunately, weak-minded people are caught into it.

Is’nt it this whole universe is the wonderful work of the Lord. Now-a-days we find every place on this earth infected with the negative energy. The question is: Is this because of the effect of Kali Yug or it is created by us? Kindly advise.

Kali yug is not something which is extraneous to us Humans. ‘Kalau Kalmasha Chittanaam..’ Kali lives as ‘negativity’ in the hearts of all. It is clearly said in our Puranas that people living in this age would have more negativity than divine positivity. Thankfully the scriptures also tell us the easy way out – Mahamantra kirtan.

In one of your discourses, you have mentioned that the Lord will not take birth in the Kali Yuga. But, as per the Holy Scriptures, it will be Kalki Bhagavan (holding a sword in one hand and riding a horse) who will destroy Adharma & protect the innocent. Doesn’t it seem contradictory?

The Kalki Avatar, it has been said, will happen at the fag end of the Kali Yuga. Moreover, Kalki avatar, according to the scriptures has been said as an Avatar to destroy and not protect. So, in that sense, the Lord will not take a ‘Pratyaksha Avatara’ in Kali Yuga..