answers and beyonds

If someone is continuously sad, does that have anything to do with his previous birth?

Sadness is only a state of mind.

Swamiji, Please explain why karma is carried from one birth to another? Why if someone does a wrong thing he is not been punished immediately. For any suffering all say it is due to past karma. Is it correct?

If God punishes immediately, you would say why can’t he give him time and chance to correct what he has done! It is due to infinite patience and compassion of the Lord that he gives us chance after chance to attain his feet. So if you turn to Him and chant Maha mantra now, Nama does all the purification instead of ‘purification by punishment’

I believe karma and everything that relate to it such us reincarnation. As far as I know most people prefer to die in peaceful way. I have a question about people who die in accident like car crash, plane crash or any horrible tragedy. Does this happen because of what they did in the past like they are prisoner of the past so they deserve to die like that or is it God’s will?

It is God who designed and who is implementing the Karma Theory. Whatever happens in the world happens only according to karma, be they good or bad. God does not usually interfere in this system of working. Very rarely, He interferes in the case of extremely faithful devotees, and to prove that He is above all the Karmas and is not bound by them. Even if a person dies by way of an accident or a tragedy, it is because of their Karma only.

As per Karma theory the purpose of our Birth as human being is to expose our past Deeds or Misdeeds. Pains and sufferings of this worldly life is directly linked to our previous generation. Why was God so cruel and unkind even to great souls like Ramana Maharishi, Yogi Ram Surat Kumar, Vethathiri Maharishi, etc by inflicting them with dreaded terminal diseases despite their spiritual contributions towards humanity? Does the present Deeds cannot cleanse your past Misdeeds?

The case of mahatmas are totally different from the lot of normal people. In the words of Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar Maharaj, ‘Such afflictions are for bringing in a cosmic balance’. A Jnani does not identify himself with the body. In the words of Sri Ramana Maharshi the body is seen as a burden. God considers these Jnanis as his very Self. In any case God is never cruel to anyone as he is love embodied. Considering all these, it is clear that if at all any affliction is taken by Jnanis it is actually for the benefit of the entire existence.

It is said that the past karmas get burnt by chanting the Lord’s Name. Whatever happens in this birth is because of past karmas and is called ‘prarabdha’. Does prarabdha change by regular chanting or merely prepares the ground for the prarabdha of next birth?

Everything in this world happens according to Prarabhda only. If one does not chant the divine Name of the Lord, the Lord will not interfere with his life. If he does chant the Name of God continuously, the Lord makes his life favorable to him.
For instance, if a person possesses qualities like wealth, power, beauty etc. by virtue of his prarabdha, then, by chanting the Nama, the Lord ensures that he does not get a ‘head-weight’. If a person is already poor and leads a life in penury owning to his prarabdha, by chanting the Nama, the Lord keeps him away from bad thoughts and deeds like stealing, gambling, alcohol, suicide and so on.
If one’s Bhakti is intense, the grace of the Lord has the power to change one’s Prarabdha too. That, however, calls for strong devotion.

Why is that nobody ask for sufferings?

That is because it is sufferings!

What is Prarabdha Karma? How does it interfere in one’s life?

Everything in one’s life happens because of Prarabdha Karma and nothing else. So it is not a question of interference in one’s life, it is that which drives one’s life.

Why do God fearing people seem to suffer more than others?

A doctor administers anesthesia only to a patient who needs to undergo an operation. Likewise the Lord blesses with Bhakti, those people who need to work out their severe Karmas so that the effects of their severe karma do not affect them much.

Why do we get sufferings in life? Why can’t God create a world that has no sufferings, or better not perform Creation at all, at the first place?

Let us assume that someone comes to me and I tell him that I am his saviour and that it is me who has been protecting him so long. He immediately would ask me for explanation. I go to say that as per his karma, he should have died at this point of time or some accident should have befallen, but I have nullified his bad karma and protected him.
Even if this were true, the person would laugh at me and call me a bluff. But, if he encounters a dangerous situation and comes out of it without any problems, it is then that he would realize the truth.
It is easy to question after an event has happened, but our mind does not realize the invisible protection that keeps away harm. That is quite the nature of the mind.
So, if there is no suffering, we don’t realize the protection. That is why we get sufferings.

What is the difference between God and Karma?

Karma is the ‘Jada’ (lifeless) and the bondage. God is the pure Consciousness and Supreme Self and is free from all bondages.