answers and beyonds

What does the word Hari mean? How does it denote the Supreme Being ?

The word Hari does have many meanings. The specialty and uniqueness of the Vedas is that the very same Vedas that speaks about those occult ideals that are out of reach of the human intellect, like, life after death, heaven, hell etc., also proclaims that Hari is the Supreme Being. This very fact is the ‘Pramana’ (authority) for holding Sri Hari as the Supreme Being.

What is the meaning of the word Narayana?

As per “amarakosam”, the following are the meanings of the word “narayana”
1. the one from whom all the incarnations arise
2. the one within whom the entire cosmos is present
3. Son of the rishi Nara
4. the one who cannot be known by shabda (He who is beyond that)
5. the one who resides in jala(water- here means the ‘pralaya’ or deluge)

When God assumed His Krishna Avatar and ended His divine pastime on earth, did He leave a human and material body like common people, or did He disappear by His Yoga Maya? I read sometime that His mortal remains were miraculously transported into Jagannath archa murti?

Lord Krishna lived for 125 years. Throughout His lifetime, He performed innumerable lilas. When it was time for Sri Krishna to give up His mortal coil and when all the gods and sages curiously awaited His final divine lila, the Lord disappeared into Srimad Bhagavatam. Srimad Bhagavatam is verily Sri Krishna.

Is there any difference between Lord Krishna’s Vishwa Rupa and Virat Rupa?

The huge form of the Lord spanning from the earth to thesky is the Lord’s Virat Swarupa. Seeing this glorious form of the Lord with all the Devas and other forms within Him is Vishwa Rupa.

What is so special about Lord Krishna?

Even to this day, we find that people are attracted towards many Mahatmas like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mother Saradamani, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, so on and so forth. Without these incarnations, it would not have been possible to understand the greatness of faith, devotion, worship and the fact that God can be realized. All Incarnations are also being ‘powered’ by the infinite force called God.
The God took many incarnations like Matsya, Kurma etc. These were ‘aavesha avataras’ taken for a specific purpose. God – the infinite force itself has come down with all Sodhasa kalas (16 aspects) as Lord Krishna. so he is Poornavatar (the wholesome incarnation). If you think of Lord without any attributes as Brahman, that is Krishna. So He is the supreme.

In age of Kali too there are people who are very much devoted to their guru and god, feeding the poor and the cattle, living lives in an orthodox manner. But I find these people suffer the most and the worst conditions in life. It can be due to their karma but when a normal man sees these good people suffer the most, he starts to believe that there is no use for dharma, god or guru for life. Why should God make such good people suffer without considering that these suffering would mislead the normal people seeing these devoted people suffer?

Let us assume that a person is packing up his luggage to go on a long travel and is scheduled to leave that day. After taking his regular meals, he realizes that there is a little more food left. He would then decide to eat up the remaining food also, because he would not be home the next day to consume the same.
In just the same way, those people for whom the current birth is the last would have to undergo their remaining Karma some way or the other. Hence good people wipe out their Karmas through such sufferings.

Why does Bhagavan Krishna give sufferings to even those who love him?

The hell is full of sorrows and the heaven is full of joy. But for anyone and everyone on earth, it is a mixture of both joy and sorrow.
To forget this mixed results of joy and sorrows, we should be totally immersed in Bhagavan Krishna’s eternal bliss.
It is only in order to get his most loved ones into that state, Krishna, an ocean of compassion, gives sufferings.

Why does God create this world? Why does he make us suffer? Why can’t he forget all our sins and give us all Moksha instantly and wind up His Show? Is it His Lila to make us suffer?

When one participates in a motor race or wants to become a solider, he very well understands the risk involved in the job. Doesn’t he?
So, even after you witness so much of suffering in the world, you wish to continue the same lifestyle. That just implies that you are ready for the battle!
Joy or sorrow does not arise from any object or event as you imagine. It is in your mind. So, the key is to keep your mind aloof and unaffected from the happenings of the world. Yes. That is the solution. God is so compassionate that He has also shown the techniques, ways and means to achieve this state of aloofness. That shows His grace. What more? He shows no discrimination in showering His grace, based on caste, creed, religion, gender, wealth or power.

One can attribute the law of Karma for the grown up adults inflicted by deadly diseases like cancer, But how one can explain innocent children getting this deadly disease?

Everything in this world happens according to the Karma. Children get afflicted with deadly diseases like cancer because of their Karmas in their previous births.

Every single step done by us is written by God. Then why, by doing good or bad deeds, do we go to heaven or hell, while we never perform any step without God’s permission?

Even that is written by God.