answers and beyonds

Even though I know everything will happens according to God’s wishes I am still struck in real life. Please help me.

You catch hold of the Mahamantra. That will help you come out of all the problems you are struck with in real life.

Every birth has a purpose, how do I discover that purpose apart from the liberation of life. Kindly explain.

Whatever you are doing right now will automatically take you to the very purpose of life. You need not set out to explicitly find that.

What is the purpose of life?

The true purpose of life is to realize the Supreme Self.

What should be the aim of life? To merge with the Oneness or to render constant devotional service to the Lord?

To realize the Lord Krishna within you – that is the aim of life.

What is life and who is God?

When anyone touches you, you feel it, don’t you? That consciousness is God.
When you consume food, you feel its taste, don’t you? That consciousness is God.
When there is a sound, you hear it, don’t you? That consciousness is God.
When there is a fragrant flower, you sense the smell, don’t you? That consciousness is God.
When there is a beautiful sight, you perceive the vision, don’t you? That consciousness is God.
God is nothing but the all-pervading consciousness.
Becoming one with the consciousness by removing the blocks that prevent it – that truly is Life.

How can one attain Moksha? If one attains Moksha, how will the state of mind or soul will be? Who is a Brahmin?

By constantly chanting the divine Mahamantra and surrendering to the feet of Bhagavan, one can attain moksha by his grace. In this state, individual mind would be one with the Universal mind of the Lord. One who has realized Brahman is the truest Brahmana.

Are Mukti and Moksha one and the same?

Yes they are one and the same.

What is liberation? Is it a solution to all our problems? Is it peace of mind? I do not believe that there is a problem that cannot be solved by man. Then why Nama Kirtan?

You are right! There is no problem that cannot be solved by man.
Instead of taking problems one by one, if you put in a little more thought, you will realize that the only way to reach the problem-free point is never to be born again.
To look at it the differently, what do you mean by peace? It is an everlasting, absolute state of happiness – not temporary, but permanent: not mixed with a droplet of sorrow. How do we attain that state? if we are born and lead a life we are bound to get some problem at some point. So to attain eternal peace, it is imperative that we never be born again; get out of the cycle of births and deaths; get liberated.
That is the ideal solution and the way it is achieved is, through Nama Kirtan. It is not an alien effort. It is indeed the only solution and is very much in your own hands.

What is Liberation? I know that it is getting out of the cycle of birth and death, but what exactly do we achieve after getting liberated?

In the state of liberation, the individual identity vanishes and the Individuality no more remains. The seer, the one to be seen and the act of seeing, all of these get dissolved. In this state, your very question does not arise.

Is asking for Moksha selfish as it is going to help him but nobody else?

Once a need is acutely felt, praying for the same humbly at lotus feet of the Lord is the practical way to peace and happiness. Moksha is also included in this. Whether we do ‘selfless’ or selfish act, all we really chase for is happiness and peace.