Bhakti Yoga – Lecture by Sri Ramanujamji

Bhagavad Gita – Bhakti Yoga Lecture Series by Sri Ramanujamji began on 7th Jan at Narada Gana Sabha. About 250 devotees attended the lecture. The greatness of Bharatha Desam, Vedavyasa and Bhagavad Gita was explained in simple language by Sri Ramanujamji. All are welcome to relish the 9-day satsang at Narada Gana Sabha from the 7th to 15th January evenings at 7 pm.


On the day 2 of the lecture series, Sri Ramanujamji gave an introduction to Bhagavad Gita and also explained the essence of Karma Yoga with lucid illustrations for practical applicability in day-to-day life.

All are welcome to the 9 day satsang at Narada Gana Sabha from the 7th to 15th Jan – evenings at 7 pm.


On the 3rd day of the lecture series, Sri Ramanujamji further elaborated Karma Yoga and explained the essence of Raja Yoga and Sankya Yoga to the listeners with relatable anecdotes and exemplifications.

Introduction to Bhakti Yoga has just commenced. The audience are eagerly waiting to relish the same along with Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageethams in the coming days.

The fourth day of the lecture series had the audience repeating the Gita slokas and Sri Ramuji elucidated the fruits of Bhakti yoga linking it with Madhurageethams.


On the fifth day, Sri Ramanujamji explained Nirguna and Saguna Bhakti with Gita slokas. He elaborated Ananya Bhakti and also spoke about the importance of faith in the compassion of Bhagavan along with Madhurageetham.


On the 6th day, Sri Ramanujamji explained in detail the Nirguna, Saguna and Ananya Bhakti with Madhurageethams and Gita slokas.


Day 7: Sri Ramanujamji explained the first seven slokas of Bhakti Yoga with anecdotes and Madhurageethams.


Day 8:


On the 9th day, Sri Ramanujamji explained all the slokas of Bhakti yoga with apt anecdotes, illustrations and Madhurageetham.

GOD India trust founder trustee Sri Sathyanarayanan Honoured Sri Ramanujamji.

Sri Ramanujamji gave prasadam to Narada Gana Sabha Secretary Sri Harishankar for his continuous support of Satsang for the past 15 years since 2009 at Narada Gana Sabha.

Sri Ramanujamji also gave prasadam to Sri Venkatramani and Sri Ravi Venkatramani for their regular support.

GOD India trust thanked the audience for participating and listening sincerely in this 9-days lecture series.

GOD India trust also thanked all the donors, Sri Shanmugam and Sri Kumar for stage arrangements and Sri Kumar for lights and Audio.

The final day of Satsang concluded with Madhurageetham of Lord Hanumanji and prayers at Lotus feet of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Vardhan and Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji for regular satsangs every year.




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