Saint Sketches

Sri Sridhara Venkatesa Ayyaval – 1

The Holy land of India has witnessed the incarnation of countless saints. Srimad Bhagavatam proclaims that Lord would incarnate in this land in this age of kali in the form of Saints. True to the
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Sri Sridhara Venkatesa Ayyaval (Part – 2)

After leaving Tirichirapalli, Sri Shridhara Ayyaval passed through many cities and villages before reaching the city of Tanjavur. During the course of his journey, his mother attained the Feet of the
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Anandamayi Ma

“Each type of soil specializes in producing certain type of crop. The Indian soil produces Mahans!” — Sri Sri Swamiji Since time immemorial Mother India has been giving birth to Jivan
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Thondaradipodi Azhwar

Divyasooris or Nityasooris are those who live close to the Lord in Sri Vaikuntam and serve Him personally. The Lord took ten Avatars on earth; and, the Avatar of the ten Azhwars came about to
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Bhakta Chokamela

Pandarpur is glorified as the bazaar of Nama. The most favorite of the presiding deity, Panduranga is Nama Kirtan. There have not been as many bhaktas for any other deities as there have been for
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Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

The Moon was eclipsed on the 23rd Phalguna, 1407 Sakabda, with the English calendar showing 18th February, 1486. It was then that in Mayapur in the Town of Nadia, Sachi Devi the devoted wife of the
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Mahatma Gandhi – ‘Bapu’

Ram Naam, which had become part and parcel of the timid, shy boy, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, transformed him into Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji showed the path of Ahimsa to the world. Leaders like Martin
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Mahatma Gandhi – ‘Bapu’ – Part 2

Satyagraha movement was extended to forest laws, non-payment of taxes and boycott of foreign cloth, etc. It was felt that Swadeshi movement (producing their own cloth) would deal an economic blow on
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Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa

The Lord has declared that whenever religion declined and chaos prevailed He would incarnate to protect the good and destroy the wicked and thus reestablish Dharma. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is one
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Sri Jayadev – 1

Bhakti is the easiest means of attaining the Lord. Devotion to the Lord can be expressed in a variety of different ways. Of them, ‘Prema Bhakti’ – loving God in the ‘Nayaka
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Sri Jayadev (Part – 2)

Lakshmanasena was then the ruler of the kingdom. Seeing the acclamation that Jayadev’s Ashtapadi had earned, he wrote an Ashtapadi. But, none would sing his Ashtapadi. People refused to sing the
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