Fond Memories of Bliss

Fond memories of bliss – Part 44

Mahans are always in a state that cannot be comprehended by common man. Their divine love for the Lord is on an exalted plane, one that is difficult for common man to even comprehend, leave alone
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 45

Our Madhurapuri Ashram is located in a rustic environ. Among all the beautiful features of this place, the greatest aspect that allures all the devotees is that, in it is the ‘durbar’
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 46

Ambur is a beautiful town on the Chennai-Bangalore highway. This town occupies a special place in our Sri Swamiji’s heart because numerous residents of this town are in love with the
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 47

Numerous people come to have our Guru Maharaj’s darshan. More often than not, they have unfulfilled prayers in their hearts and wishes that have not borne fruit for long. The reason for a
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 27

Sri Sri Swamiji narrated to me a divine experience of His. Let me narrate it here. Once Sri Sri Swamiji sat in deep meditation in the open terrace of the building in Mathurapuri Ashram. It was
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 26

During the recent trip to Hyderabad, Sri Sri Swamiji happened to visit a temple one day. It was raining then and as Sri Sri Swamiji was circumambulating, the sight that He saw touched his heart.
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 10

Once Sri Swamiji had been with a couple of young devotees to a town called Thiruvalam near Ranipet, which is about 2 hours’ drive from Chennai. In this town there lived a great liberated soul, who
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 11

This incident occurred almost 20 years ago. Sri Swamiji was in a constant state of vicharam those days. Sri Swamiji was immersed in self-enquiry and thoughts about the atman, impermanence of the body
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 12

About 7 years ago, I once had the privilege of being with Sri Swamiji during one of His trips which He spent in solitude and japa-dhyana. We were mostly spending time in seclusion in the villages
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 13

This happened during a time when Sri Swamiji stayed in the Ashram. One fine evening, in the Ashram premises, our Satsang speaker Sri Ramanujam was chanting the Mahamantra in the sanctum of the
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 14

One most noticeable aspect in Sri Swamiji is his poetic, lyrical manner of conveying his thoughts. Even if the matter is trivial, the style of delivery adopted by Sri Swamiji would make it memorable.
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 15

It was during the early 90’s when Sri Swamiji used to discourse on Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi’s works in Mylapore, Chennai. On one such occasion, Sri Lakshmanan, a satsang member accompanied
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