Cherished Memoirs

Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 22

Precious Prayers Sri Sri Swamiji said, Right from birth till the end of one’s life, our religion teaches us to perform every ritual, which is done for our well-being, with a prayer to the Lord.
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 23

Awakening Sounds We all dream while we sleep. Suppose, we hear a loud noise like that of a jar falling to the ground in the dream, it does not awaken us from our slumber. Instead, we only continue
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 24

Recently, Sri Swamiji was casually conversing with a visitor; the topic was about ‘being wise in life’. Sri Swamiji asked ‘ According to you, who is a buddhisaali?(The wise
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 25

To many of us, spirituality means a whole bunch of complex things – To be in a spiritual path means that one needs to read numerous texts and master them, perform and practice certain routines
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 26

A first-time visitor to the ashram had an interesting conversation with Sri Swamiji. This gentleman spoke very highly of a particular person. ‘I have not seen another Dharmatma like
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 27

During the recent trip to Hyderabad, in one of the discourses, our Sri Swamiji said as follows… Once, an old woman came to me with tears in her eyes. She said in a sorrowful tone, “I have
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 11

Logical Approaches in Spirituality Saints and scriptures which talk about God with form and attributes, also declare at places that God is formless, is within one’s self and one can transform
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 29

Once our Guru Maharaj said, ‘While describing the Ashrams of the great Rishis who personified universal love, it is said that all creatures in the vicinity reflected love. Tigers and deers,
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Conversations with Sri Swamji – 12

The tradition of Pure Devotion Once Sri Swamiji was asked, ‘Which sampradaya (tradition) is followed here? Pancharatram or Vaikansam or …’ Sri Swamiji quipped, ‘We follow
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 30

One day, during the month of April 2011, Sri Swamiji was doing parayana of 5th canto of Srimad Bhagavatham in Bhagavatha Bhavanam at Madhurapuri Ashram. While His Holiness was doing parayana of 8th
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Conversation with Sri Swamiji – 13

Desire decides Any situation you are in today, whether it is good or bad, is only the outcome of what you desired! One can understand this when the situations are favorable, but how can one accept
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Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 31

In Gopika Geetam, the Gopis, while speaking of the way Lord Krishna speaks, say that His speech is the sweetest and it is not just sweet; it is so profound and filled with wisdom that even the most
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