Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaha Mahayagna at Bangalore

A grand Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthha Maha Yagna was conducted at Jayanagar, Bangalore between December 22-28. Parayanam in morning was done by Sri Sridhar Ganapatigal, Sri Yathindran and Sri Anirudh Avadhani. Every evening Lakshmi Pooja, Vishnu Sahasranamam and cultural program were organised. Unchavruthi was taken by Sri Rangarajan Bhagavathar on last two days. Sri Ashwin Bhagavathar and team performed Radha Madhava Vivagam on concluding day.

Sri M K Ramanujam delivered a lecture on Srimad Bhagavatham which was attended by over 300 people on all 7 days. Many dignitaries from Bangalore joined the event. The event was well covered by local print and TV media.

The Bangalore team very meticulously planned and executed the event in a grand manner.

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