Sri Swamiji at Abhayam Bhajanashram
Sri Swamiji listening to Sri Ramayan Katha by Sri Sriram at Abhayam Bhajanashram.
April 11, 2024, 8:45 am
Radhe Radhe. Pranams and Prostrations to Guruji Maharaj’s Lotus Feet on the auspicious Guru Vaaram. When we scan through the annals of Spiritual Lore, Srimad Ramayanam occupies a coveted place. Guruji Maharaj listening to the rendition of Sri Sriram, with zest and zeal, is a feast to our eyes. Immense Gratitude to Guruji Maharaj for steering this Satsang at Abhayam, the Hallowed Abode of Bhagawan Sri Yogi Ramsurathkumar.