Satsang in Sriperumbudur

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  • Subha Muthuraman July 19, 2024, 8:53 am

    Radhe Radhe. Pranams and Prostrations to Guruji Maharaj’s Lotus Feet. There can never be a Greater Program in the Hallowed Landscape – Sriperumbudur Namadwaar – the Divine Ascent Kshetra of HH Sri Ramanujar. Guruji Maharaj’s discourses on Sri Ramanujar have left us teary-eyed – placing welfare of the masses ( especially downtrodden in scales of spiritual wisdom and wealth) , high esteem for Bhagavan Nama and profusely showering of same ro all, immaterial of whether they deserve it or not, earning His Guru’s disapprobation in the process, et al. He was a Renowned Revolutionary, even thousand years ago! All these things we know the proverbial tip of the Venerable Sri Ramanujar, thanks to Guruji Maharaj only. Grateful to Guruji Maharaj for carving this Extraordinary Event that is going to benefit millions and bring catharsis in their minds and lives!

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