Satsang at Kadalur
December 20, 2024, 6:50 pm
Radhe Radhe. Pranams and Prostrations to Guruji Maharaj’s Holy Feet. Heartening to see that a “Clutch of Satsang Activities” is envisaged in “The Hallowed Premises of Kadalur”, the Serene Place where our Guruji Maharaj chose to descend beautifully, to sever the brawny clutches of ” The Vicious Cycle of Births and Deaths” Perpetually! For context, it’s worthy to be reminiscent of Kadalur that has a “Touch of Classical Ecstasy ” for, Guruji Maharaj was blessed with our Revered Sri Sri Anna’s First Darshan here, that evolved to be a Magnificent and Magical Bond, spanning several decades, elevating Humanity and Conferring Nectarine, Nonpareil Bliss to everybody! Salutations to our Illustrious Guruji!!