Graamam Dhorum Veda Parayanam – 2
Under the Guidance of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, Vedho Nityam Adheeyathaam, a group of Vedic scholars, have begun an initiative to perform Veda Parayanam village after village, as part of their noble efforts towards Veda Samrakshanam.
Below are the images of the Rig Veda Parayanam and Namaste Sankirtan that took place at Sri Azhagiya Ramar Kovil, Sri Sundaravalli nayika samedha Sri Sundaravaradha perumal sannadhi, Kaveripakkam on 25th and 26th January 2025.
Follow Namadwaar page for further updates on their schedule.

January 28, 2025, 11:19 pm
Radhe Radhe. Pranams and Prostrations to Guruji Maharaj’s Lotus Feet. Upon listening to the Rig Veda Chanting, mental storm is quelled instantaneously, calm descends conspicuously, “Peace” encompasses perspicuously! Grateful to Revered Guruji for this Spectacular Initiative that depicts and emphatically promises of Exponential Aggrandizement of Rig Veda chanting, in a very truncated time, like all His Masterstroke Endeavours! Glory to our Global Sri G!!