A Unique Veda Parayanam in Chennai, India

When we hear ‘EkAkI Rigveda kantastha Ghana pArAyanam’, if we are not conversant with the Vedic parlance we would be puzzled! This, one of a kind event in Tamilnadu was organized at Sri Shankara Gurukulam Chennai by our Sri Sandeepani Gurukula Trust.

This means, that a Vedic scholar has orally rendered – all alone in presence of learned listeners, the entire Rig veda ‘Samhita’ portion comprising of 1,55,039 padhas (words) in the ‘Ghana parAyanam style*’ for about 7 hours, daily for 42 days straight – from 10 June 2024 to 21 July 2024! Every evening the audience of about 30 was treated with divine lectures by eminent Vedic scholars.

This great Vedic scholar, Brahmasri L Raghavendra GanapAti was conferred with the title of ‘Rigveda GhanaShikara:’ on 19 July 2024 in the divine presence of our Sri Swamiji, MahAmahopAdyaya Shastra RatnAkara Brahmasri MullaivAsal Dr. KrishnamUrthy Shastrigal and MahAmahopAdyaya Shastra RatnAkara Brahmasri Dr. ManiDravid Shastrigal , his Rigveda guru and in the presence of about 500 devotees. This scholar’s guru is Brahmasri AmnAya Vachaspathi G SooryanArAyana GanapAti (this great Rig veda guru has more than 30 titles for his awe inspiring service to Rig veda – to date he has prepared 65 GanapAti scholars!).

Our Sri Swamiji presented Brahmasri L Raghavendra GanapAti with a gold medal, a golden bracelet and sambhavanai. His guru was also conferred with a gold medal. This scholar afterwards, was also celebrated with a ride in a chariot with Vedic scholars chanting the divine Vedas. It was a divinely gala event celebrating our hoary Vedas by celebrating its worthy scholar. The culmination was apt – chanting the concluding mantra while offering the rain of flowers to Sri Adisankara Bhagavadpaadaachaarya’s lotus feet in the sanctum at Sri Shankara Gurukulam on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima.

*Ghana PArAyana formula : 1221123321123…2332234432234… while normal PArAyana sequence is just 12345…

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  • Subha Muthuraman July 23, 2024, 6:48 pm

    Radhe Radhe. Pranams and Prostrations to Guruji Maharaj’s Holy Feet. The Propensity of Guruji Maharaj in Glorifying and His Unmatched Blithe in Conferring Rich Accolades to Vedic Scholars is exuded, with Exuberance, while seeing the above Enthralling Event. Each and every word of the above Script has an exemplary aura and soaked in pristine pure Nectar. Vedas possess that exquisite weave (the Heart beat of the Veritable Lord Almighty, Guruji Maharaj has, more often than not, proclaimed in His Divine Discourses, unequivocally!). The above Program has all the ingredients of Aesthetics, Confluence of Incredible Wisdom, Assiduity in rendition, Meticulously crafted, with finesse and flourish. Lesser mortals cannot even grapple or comprehend the texture of the Resplendent, Revered and Erudite Scholars, featuring in this Delectable Edition and Infinite Salutations to our Esteemed Guruji for Mastering this Full- Throttle Satsang! The eidetic memory of the Spectacular Scholars is on a Stunning Scale and a Rarity when we scan through the Hallowed Annals of Spirituality! Glory to Respected Guruji!

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