
Respect for women

Respect for women has been one of the basic tenets of Sanathana Dharma. Once in a gathering, ‘Kalki’ R. Krishnamurthy (a renowned writer and the founder of the tamil magazine ‘Kalki’), MS.
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Temple for Brahma

Why is there no temple for Brahma? Lord Brahma is nothing but the very form of the Vedas. And the Vedas are nothing but Sound. The best way of worshipping sound is by continuously echoing it and
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Madhura Vani: Humility brings freedom

Even though Airavata, the vehicle of Lord of Devas, is mighty and big it is goaded by the hook in the hands of Lord Indra and suffers constant pain. But an ant, though small moves about freely! With
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Only way out in Kali Yuga

There are ten key Upanishads and a host of other Upanishads. There is an upanishad that talks about the greatness of the Mahamantra “Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare
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The Vedas

The Vedas ‘Ved’ means Knowledge. They are said to be the Divine Knowledge of God. The vedic Mantras are said to pervade the cosmos and are ‘heard’ by the Rishis and given to us. Hence they
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The five people

According to the Shastras, the one who has been responsible for the body, the one who gives ‘upadesa’ of the Gayathri Mantra, the one who feeds, the one who imparts education and the one who
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Fragrance and Vasanas

In Indian tradition, during marriages, the bride and the bride-groom exchange flower garlands. Sri Swamiji beautifully explained the significance behind this! Flowers have Vasana (tamil word for
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Respect to one who performs Nama Sankirtan

Sri Bhagavan Naama Bodendra Saraswati Swamigal has performed a Siddhanta on the greatness of Divine Name in a text called “Bhagavan Naama Rasodayam”. In the text, he says the following: One
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The Betel Leaf

Once a well educated botanist approached Kanchi Maha Periyava and out of ignorance, asked ‘Why is betel leaf called ‘Vettrilai’ in Tamizh. Maha Periyava non-challantly replied, ‘The betel
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What is Mahabharata?

The Epic Mahabharata has been given to us, the people of Kali Yuga, as the fifth Veda. Why has this fifth Veda been named ‘BhArata’? The epic does not refer merely to the one lakh slokas
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What is Dharma?

The following is an excerpt from Bhishma Parva of Mahabharata: Sri Bhishma narrates an incident in the Devaloka where many Gods and Sages are assembled. One of them puts forth the question, ‘What
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Sundara Kandam

What is the greatest ‘phala’ of Sundara kanda ‘parayana’? One receives the ‘phala’ of having performed the ‘parayana’ of the whole Ramayana. How is this? In Sundara Kanda (a section
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