Fond memories of bliss – Part 8

It was in the onset of the nineties, when this moving incident happened. I still have it fresh in my mind. My elder brother Swaminathan (Babu) had developed a big swelling in his cheek. He consulted various eminent doctors for treatment and was hoping to get well soon. None of them could properly diagnose the reason for this abnormality.

Finally the doctors told Swaminathan that it could be the sign of a cancerous growth. Swaminathan was shocked and taken aback as he thought that the swelling was harmless. He had the Darshan of Sri Swamiji and told Swamiji of his ailment.

Immediately Sri Swamiji referred him to a Homoeopathic doctor, who was not very popular and asked him to consult him for treatment.
Swaminathan immediately went to the doctor and got some medicines.
To his joy and amazement, he found that he was completely cured in the next three days!

He shared this joyous news to Sri Swamiji that the homoeopathic treatment had effected in a miraculous cure. Sri Swamiji immediately said smiling, ‘It was only Lord Krishna who has cured you. The doctor was only an instrument used by Krishna to cure you!

Let me narrate yet another astonishing incident in the life of my friend Rajkumar.

Rajkumar who currently works in an auditing firm had been the recipient of Sri Swamiji’s grace in a unique way!

Rajkumar once went to Sri Swamiji and told Swamiji that he was proceeding to Coimbatore to meet his sister. Sri Swamiji immediately told Rajkumar, ‘ Cancel the ticket. You need not go today.’

Rajkumar without any hesitation went and cancelled his ticket.

The next day we were all shocked to learn that there was a bomb blast in a train to Coimbatore . When we called up Rajkumar, he was moved and after a while told us that the bomb blast happened in the same train which he was supposed to board. Then he slowly added that the bomb was planted in the same compartment he was to travel!
Rajkumar says ,’ I owe my life to the grace of Sri Swamiji’.

There have been innumerable such incidents. Every time Sri Swamiji would just say, “It’s Lord Sri Krishna’s grace” !