When my life changed…

My life was the usual extroverted jolly one though meaningless till I had my first Darshan of my Gurudev.

They say that it is incorrect to say “I found a Guru” and that it should always be, “The Guru found me and showered His infinite love on me by taking me unto His fold”.

How true! In the year 2002, our beloved Guruji chose to enter our lives out of his infinite compassion. It was at first His most loving voice and mind-steering speech through his discourses Bhagavan Ramana’s famous work, ‘Akshara Mana Malai’ that captivated our hearts and bowled us over. Subsequently everyone in my family had the good fortune of getting his darshan. The very next day I was also initiated into a Mantra by Him from then on, the U-turn that my life has taken cannot be described in words. My outlook towards life had changed, extroverted activities of the mind that I as a householder had previously enjoyed gradually meant nothing more than peanuts to me.

I started meditating constantly on the mantra that His Holiness initiated me into. From time to time, Sri Swamiji would lovingly enquire on how my Sadhanas were progressing. Our beloved Guruji implanted in me, through His teachings and guidance, an ever increasing fascination for Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

I feel my Master lives with me hand in hand in all strides of life keeping my focus on the Ultimate Truth. I get to realize that I am holding His helping hand and loving embrace every time I face hurdles both externally and internally. The eternal comfort of the mother’s lap for a child can be sensed by me in the loving fold of my Guruji, supreme qualities like fearlessness, balance of mind and equanimity have blossomed in my arid heart through the incessant Ganges in the form of His grace.

Any number of miracles and instances in my life owing to His grace I cite here would only be a paltry tribute to His boundless compassion and grace. Yet, if I were to cite one great miracle, it would be the transformation of my life into a totally unthought-of territory, which I on my own would never have been able to achieve even in countless cycles of births to come.

I wish to remain at the Lotus feet of our Guruji, ever blissful and happy enjoying his uninterrupted love and grace which is rare of the rarest.