Every word of His is Truth!

Ms. Nirmala Giri recounts one of her most recent experiences with Sri Sri Swamiji —

Guruji asked me, “Should you not do your duty as a mother?”
I said, “Yes, Guruji, I should but …….”
Guruji who was sitting on the Mantap at the Ashram ready to do puja to Sri Premika Varadan-Madhuri Sakhi asked, “But what?”
I said, “I do not have a passport!” [I thought I had a point there and the matter would dropped there!]
Guruji retorted, “That is not a big deal! Go right now to Bhagyanathan. He will guide you.”

My daughter who lives in the United States was in the family way. As I had never had any intention of leaving the Indian soil at any point of time I had never applied for a passport. But Guruji who takes care of the needs of not just His devotees but also of their families is always strict that we do not fail in our duties. It is another of the Guru’s doing that I got my passport quickly.

It was sometime in late September, when, on learning that I had got the passport Guruji said to me, “Right. Get the tickets!” I was taken aback. I told Him, “Guruji! This is only the passport. I am yet to get my visa. And, it takes six months to get the visa interview date.
I have got my passport only today. Even this morning when we checked out on the visa date we find the first available date is in the last week of March. Nisha is expected to deliver her baby early February. If at all I make it, it will be after a month and half late.”
G simply said, “You are going to the U.S. and for six months.”

In spite of long years of being with the Guru one fails to comprehend or appreciate His ways. I thought, ‘this acquiring passport is sheer waste of money. Guruji, for some reason is adamant in sending me away. He does not understand what I say. He is not ready to listen to me.’
I wanted to do what He wished but at the same time the mind like an obstinate teenager wanted to do what it wanted.

Two days after getting the passport my sister called up from Bangalore to say, “Check the newspaper. I hear that the U.S. Commissioner at Delhi has announced early and more openings for the visa interview.” And on checking we find that beginning October there were umpteen number of visa interview dates available! We could choose the date!
My husband looked at me with surprise writ large on his face. “How did this happen?”
I simply said, “Hmm! That is the way Guruji works! He has decided to pack me off to the U.S!”

And, here I am in the United States taking care of the baby girl who took birth in a Texas hospital amidst the chanting of the Mahamantra
“Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!”

It needs no mention that when the Guru says ‘six months’ it will be ‘six months’ for, in spite of all my effort I could not get the return ticket a day early!