Conversations with Sri Swamiji – 24

Recently, Sri Swamiji was casually conversing with a visitor; the topic was about ‘being wise in life’.

Sri Swamiji asked ‘ According to you, who is a buddhisaali?(The wise one?)’

The visitor replied…. ‘It is the one who can distinguish the good from the bad’

Sri Swamiji said ‘That is inaccurate. Even animals, birds and insects know how to distinguish between what is good for them and what is harmful… If you mix food with venom, even a cow will not touch it. Besides, life never presents such situations where you get to choose this way or that way. Always you will face a range of options in any given point of time in life. Therefore, the wise one, is the one, who, when forced into a situation in life, knows how to pick the ‘best’ from many ‘good’s and to choose the least amongst many ‘bad’s….’

‘…And the best is always God.’, Sri Swamiji concluded.