A snip from Shankaranarayanan’s diary!

We snipped an interesting happening from our Bangalore Sri Sankaranarayanan’s last week’s diary. (of course, with his consent!)
Friday, May 4th 2007:
I didn’t have the brightest of starts, today. As I wound up performing the Nithya Pooja at home, I was bogged down with a totally confused mind. It felt like a million problems were eating up my brain, just like termites devouring a tree. I had a work related issue that was stressing me out; my son’s university application results were awaited; the Bangalore patasala and temple construction, it’s rising expenses and diminishing support… ‘Oh God! Why do I feel so miserable’, I thought.

About the Patasala and temple, I was worried as if I were constructing my own house! A friend of mine earlier tried his best to pacify me. He quoted Sri Guruji saying that one must construct a temple with as much dedication as would one, when building his/her own house.

No. I am perturbed still.

Additionally its been quite a while since I had a word with Sri Guruji as He has been quite busy, traveling relentlessly for the spread of Maha Mantra. I sincerely prayed that all my concerns be put to rest and for an opportunity, to speak with our Guruji – something I’ve been longing for.

Later in the day, I headed to the construction site to visit our beloved ‘Sundara Hanuman’, whose idol is currently placed in a water-tub as part of an idol-stone treatment process (as ordained by Sri Guruji, of course!) and covered by a tarpaulin sheet. [Read the post about this Anjaneya here]

I uncovered the tub to see the beautiful face of the idol. Indeed he is Athi-Sundara [the most beautiful] Hanuman, matching in word and spirit the Name that our Sri Guruji gave Him! I was with Krishnadas, another devotee of Sri Guruji’s and in-charge of the construction site. I was telling him ‘How I wish Sri Guruji was here today, Sri Hanuman is looking very beautiful!’ and Krishnadas was equally longed for just the same.

Just then and there, I heard my mobile ring (no prizes for guessing who it is!). Yes, with sheer amazement and joy, I stood there speaking with the person whom I longed to speak to! With tears in my eyes and I heard him say ‘Shankara, what is Sundara Anjaneya saying?’

I updated Guruji on the construction details and my son’s university application among other things. He told me that he will notify me about an auspicious day for the installation of Sundara Hanuman’s idol in the temple that is being currently constructed.

In reponse to my concerns, he said to me ‘Anjaneya has arrived, do not worry, tell him everything!’ and I instantly replied, ‘Guruji, just an instant ago was I praying at Sundara Hanuman’s feet, and longed for your presence that very moment!’

Now I feel so light!

The axiom stands corroborated again. “His Holiness is deeply rooted into all our hearts. With firm faith in the Lord and with incessant chanting of the Nama, the Almighty is ahead of us, beside us, certainly behind us in all our endeavours”.