Saint Sketches

Swami Abhedananda

If the world were to be imagined as a house, the Bharatavarsha (Indian Sub-continent) can be rightfully called as the shrine of the house. From time immemorial, India has been the spiritual
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Sri Narayana Thirtha

There are numerous devotees who have sung the glory of Lord Krishna in their native tongues – Oothukkaadu Venkata Subbaiyer in Tamil, Purandaradasa in Kannada, Pandarpur devotees in Marathi, Meera
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Bhakta Narahari

Hail the glory of Pandarpur which has lured many a great saint, whose hymns called ‘Abhangs’ still stand testimony for their unparalleled devotion to their great Lord Panduranga. In this glorious
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Sri Narsi Mehta (Part – 1)

Narasimha Mehta(or) Narsi, as he was dearly called by everybody, was born in Junaghat village , situated near Porbander, Gujarat. He was born in a family which was very pious and meticulous about
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Sri Narsi Mehta (Part – 2)

Great are the stories of Saints, for, they are completely immersed in the elixir of devotion for the Lord. They remain completely absorbed in the meditation of the wonderful countenance of the Lord
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Sri Narsi Mehta (Part – 3)

The kirtans of true devotees are real gems shining in the glory of its purity and serenity, withstanding the tough test of time and illumining everybody into a devotion filled life. Narsi’s heart
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The Tamizh month of ‘Purattasi’ when the star ‘Rohini’ is on the ascent is said to be the day whence Nandanaar mingled with His Beloved Lord Siva in Chidambaram. This year (2008), today (Sep
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Sri Bhadrachala Ramadas – 1

There is an incident(story) exemplifying the glory of Bhadrachalam. There once lived a Brahmin by name Kalakalan. His Guru cursed him because he misbehaved with the Guru Patni (the wife of the Guru).
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Sri Sridhara Venkatesa Ayyaval – 1

The Holy land of India has witnessed the incarnation of countless saints. Srimad Bhagavatam proclaims that Lord would incarnate in this land in this age of kali in the form of Saints. True to the
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Sri Sridhara Venkatesa Ayyaval (Part – 2)

After leaving Tirichirapalli, Sri Shridhara Ayyaval passed through many cities and villages before reaching the city of Tanjavur. During the course of his journey, his mother attained the Feet of the
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