

Once, Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar took a devotee of his to ‘oya madam’. The English writer Ayn Rand has written a book titled Virtue of Selfishness. She has condemned all Mahans, Jnanis and Gurus
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Saint, Sage and Avatar

Once a devotee from abroad asked Bhagavan YogiRamsuratkumar what was the difference between a Saint, a Sage and an Avatar. Bhagavan replied “This beggar does not know the difference between the
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‘Guess my profession!’

Once, a person came to meet Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar of Tiruvannamalai. While Yogiji spoke to him, He enquired as to what his profession was. The person retorted, ‘I have heard that you know
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The Divine Touch

Saints and holy men possess divinity and this divine power is transferred to any person or object who are blessed with their touch. There once lived a woman who suffered from a deadly disease for
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As you sow, so you reap

Once Ma Devaki, who is Yogiramsuratkumar’s foremost disciple, climbed on a stool to pluck flowers. Yogi came there and said, ‘Don’t hurt yourself as well as the flower’. Yogi’s words had so
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Maya or Birthless?

The episode of Ajamila in Srimad Bhagavatam is well-known. The once-pious Brahmin takes to evil deeds. The story goes to show how, by merely chanting the Divine Name of the Lord at the last breath,
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The Sanskrit term ‘nava’ means ‘new’. Pranava (the term used to refer the sound of ‘AUM’) can be split as ‘pra’ + ‘nava’ . The prefix ‘pra’ can be taken as a prefix divinity
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Ant and the Airavata!

Even though Airavata, the vehicle of Lord of Devas, is mighty and big, it is goaded by the hook in the hands of Lord Indra and suffers constant pain. But an ant, though small moves about freely! With
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Water – the subtle purifier

In the ancient times, sages who lived in the forest used to carry a Kamandalu (a small pitcher) filled with water). Many paintings that depict these sages too show this. Even today many who perform
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Thulasi the healer

1. Thulasi , when taken along with pepper in the evenings for three days consecutively, treats cold, cough and fever. 2. Irritation in the urinary tract is healed when the juice of Thulasi and
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Talk to my right ear!

During Upanayana Samskara (ceremony of administering the sacred thread to the young boy), the father of the boy performs the ‘Brahmopadesha’ by chanting the Mantra to the right ear of the boy. If
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Once a devotee approached Kanchi Mahaswami Sri Chandrasekarendra saraswathi swami and told ” Swami! I feel very insecure in life. I have no “Paadhukaapu” (security)” The great Sage of Kanchi
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