
Ramayana – nectar droplets 2

While so many other monkeys were present, why did Sri Rama choose to send Sri Hanuman alone as a messenger to Sri Lanka? When Sri Rama and Lakshmana came to Kishkinta in search of Sita devi,
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Ramayana – nectar droplets 1

In Ramayana, we see that Ravana took the form of a Sadhu to take away Seeta. The brave and powerful king that he was, Ravana could have come in his original form to take Seeta away, as Seeta was
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About 18 commentaries are available for Srimad Bhagavatam. One of the most popular and widely accepted commentaries is that of Sri Sridhara. The commentary is popularly known as
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A lesson from Ajamila Charitra

Srimad Bhagavatam narrates the story of Ajamila in the sixth canto. It says that Ajamila came from a traditionally orthodox family and did not possess any bad habits. The story has it that the moment
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Saravana Bhava

Lord Subrahmanya also has a name ‘Saravana Bhava’ . What does ‘Saravana’ mean? ‘Sara’ in Sanskrit means dried grass (‘dharba’ grass). So ‘Sara vana’ refers to a forest of dharba
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Lord Subrahmanya

There are umpteen names for Lord Karthikeya or Lord Muruga. One of them is “Subrahmanya”. In Sanskrit, “su” denotes anything good natured. “Brahmanya” refers to a person who has had the
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Bhagavan Ramana and Kirtan

Once when Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi’s mother was staying with him, she fell ill. Bhagavan Ramana, through wonderful kirtans, prayed to Lord Arunachaleswara for setting her health right. In
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Religion in everything

Swami Vivekananda has said, We have not invaded any country not because we lack bravery or valour. It is because in the heart of hearts, we Indians look for aspects beyond material riches –
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The lone companion

During Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi’s time at the Ramanashram in Tiruvannamalai, a cow by name Lakshmi used to live in the Ashram. Bhagavan Ramana’s mother also lived in the Ashram. It is interesting
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Don’t poke your nose!

People use the term ‘do not poke your nose in this matter’ quite commonly. How did this come about? What does this mean? The source of origin for breath force and mind is the same. One can bring
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‘As Dwapara yuga came to a close, Sage Narada approached Lord Sri Brahma and asked “ Lord! What is the remedy for all in the Kali yuga that is approaching?” Lord Brahma replied “I disclose to
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Rahasya Traya Saram

Swami Vedanta Desikan was a well-learned Vaishnava Saint and an exponent of Vedanta. He used to teach the Upanishads to his disciples in his house. As the tradition prevented womenfolk from listening
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