Children’s Stories

All for Good

Long ago, there was a kingdom in a far away land. The king had an able minister who helped him in his administration. The minister was a god-loving individual. He had this queer habit. Whenever
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Winning over rivals

In the grand epic Mahabharata, Dritarashtra questions Kanika Maharishi about the ways in which the rivals have to be won over. Kanika Maharishi answers the question by narrating the following
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The Cat Trap

Once upon a time, a Guru lived in an Ashram in the outskirts of the city. One day, when he sat down for meditation, he noticed a cat moving hither and thither across the room. He tried to ignore the
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Gopal’s Brother

Long ago, in a small village lived a poor mother with her only son Gopal. Gopal was 5 years old. Though she was poor, she wanted Gopal to be well read. She went around the village and begged the
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When the Gods appeared…

Long long ago, in a holy city lived a pious man. He had a very fickle mind. He would read many spiritual books and ask for advices from every one around regarding spiritual matters. He was in utter
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True Bhakti

“God is hungering only for love. He is not satisfied with mere religious forms and ceremonial worship. Pure love and devotion alone satisfies Him”, Papa Ramdas used to say. In this context,
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The Golden Bangles

Once upon a time there lived a great Sikh Guru. One day, he sat on the banks of a river which was flowing in great force, reading the holy Guru Granth Sahib. A rich man approached him. Drunk with
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The Best Wish

Once upon a time, a king ruled a distant country. One day, he wanted a beautiful palace to be built for his queen. He immediately called his minister and expressed his wish. The minister hunted
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Service nonpareil

‘Dasya bhakti’ is one of the many kinds of Bhakti. ‘Dasya bhakti’ is to look upon the Lord or the Guru as the Master and deem oneself as His servant and serve Him submissively in every
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The Virtue of Truth

The following story is from the epic Mahabharata: After having lost his kingdom in the game of dice (Indian Ludo) with Duryodhana, Yudhishtra, the eldest among the Pandavas, was living in the forest
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Walk the talk

There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He always asked for sweets from his father. His father was a poor man. He could not always afford sweets for his son. But the little boy did not
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Opportunity in disguise

Long ago, a king ruled a far away land. Although he ruled his kingdom well, he felt that his citizens had become lazy. He wanted to test this. So, one day, he had a boulder placed on an arterial
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