Dwarakadeesham Dhyayami | Dwaraka | The Glorious Rajadhani
Dwarka on the western tip of India is one of the Char Dhams that include Badrinath, Puri and Rameshwaram. Lord Krishna arrived here from Mathura to build the city, which was his capital. It is at the cusp of the Gomti River and the Arabian Sea. After Bhagavan attained His swayam dhaam, His great grandson, Sri Vajranabh gave this beautiful temple at Dwaraka, for all of us to be blessed. Dwarka was submerged under the sea six times and what we see now is its seventh avatar. The temple itself has a fascinating legend. The original structure was destroyed by Mahmud Begada in 1472, and subsequently rebuilt in the 15th-16th century. It was also feted by Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
The main shrine of the five-storied building, supported by 72 pillars, is known as Jagat Mandir or Nija Mandir. The temple stands on a small hill accessed by 50 plus steps, with intricately sculptured walls that cocoon the sanctum with Sri Dwarkadeesh. The impressively tall spire is topped with a flag made from 52 yards of cloth that flutters in the soft breeze from the Arabian Sea behind the temple. There are two doors – swarga dwaar and moksha dwaar, for the entry and exit of the temple. A bridge called Sudama Setu at the base of the temple takes one across the Gomti creek towards the beach.
Sri Swamiji’s kirtan on this kshetra:
rAgam: karNa ranjanI thALam: Adi
dvArakAdhIsham dhyAyAmi
I meditate on Dwarakadeesh
1. svacChandagathim Ishvaram sundaramUrtthim
The Supreme One with beautiful form, who is on His own will
nishchintha bhakthajana AshrithamUrtthim
The Lord who gives refuge to devotees who think solely of Him
|| dvA ||
2. shikhaNDAlankritha makuTAlankritham
The one who adorns a crown made of peacock feathers
kuNDalAlankritha sukumArarUpam
Charming form adorning kundala
|| dvA ||
3. shankha chakragadAdhara mUrtthim
kunkuma pankila vakSha: sthalam || dvA ||
The form holding the conch and discuss
and with red-hued chest.
4. nAnAvidha bhUShaNadhara chinmaya mUrtthim
manOhara manmatha mangaLa mUrtthim || dvA ||
The auspicious and enchanting form of wisdom adorning different types of jewellery
5. shuddha sphaTika nirmala mUrtthim
svarNa muraLI vAdana mUrtthim || dvA ||
The form, as clear and blemishless as crystal, and playing the golden flute
End Of Song
रागम्: कर्ण रञ्जनी तालम्: आदि
द्वारकाधीशं ध्यायामि
1. स्वच्छन्दगतिं ईश्वरं सुन्दरमूर्तिं
निश्चिन्त भक्तजन आश्रितमूर्तिम् ॥ द्वा ॥
2. शिखण्डालङ्कृत मकुटालङ्कृतं
कुण्डलालङ्कृत सुकुमाररूपम् ॥ द्वा ॥
3. शङ्ख चक्रगदाधर मूर्तिं
कुङ्कुम पङ्किल वक्ष: स्थलम् ॥ द्वा ॥
4. नानाविध भूषणधर चिन्मय मूर्तिं
मनोहर मन्मथ मङ्गल मूर्तिम् ॥ द्वा ॥
5. शुद्ध स्फटिक निर्मल मूर्तिं
स्वर्ण मुरली वादन मूर्तिम् ॥ द्वा ॥
ராகம்: கர்ண ரஞ்ஜனீ தாளம்: ஆதி
த்₃வாரகாதீ₄ஶம் த்₄யாயாமி
1. ஸ்வச்ச₂ந்த₃க₃திம் ஈஶ்வரம் ஸுந்த₃ரமூர்த்திம்
நிஶ்சிந்த ப₄க்தஜன ஆஶ்ரிதமூர்த்திம் || த்₃வா ||
2. ஶிக₂ண்டா₃லங்க்ருத மகுடாலங்க்ருதம்
குண்ட₃லாலங்க்ருத ஸுகுமாரரூபம் || த்₃வா ||
3. ஶங்க₂ சக்ரக₃தா₃த₄ர மூர்த்திம்
குங்கும பங்கில வக்ஷ: ஸ்த₂லம் || த்₃வா ||
4. நாநாவித₄ பூ₄ஷணத₄ர சின்மய மூர்த்திம்
மனோஹர மன்மத₂ மங்க₃ள மூர்த்திம் || த்₃வா ||
5. ஶுத்₃த₄ ஸ்ப₂டிக நிர்மல மூர்த்திம்
ஸ்வர்ண முரளீ வாத₃ன மூர்த்திம் || த்₃வா ||