Darshanam Dehi Devanatha | Sri Devanatha Perumal | Thiruvahindrapuram | The Lord of Sri Muralidhara Janmasthan

Sri Hemabujavalli sametha Sri Devanatha Perumal Temple is situated at Thiruvahindrapuram in Cuddalore district.

garuDanadIthIra ullAsa vAsa – the one delightfully residing on the banks of the Garuda teertham

Once, Lord Vishnu ordained for Garuda to obtain water from Vraja Tirtha located in devaloka. Garuda secretively got water from the lake without the knowledge of the rishi who established the waterbody. When the sage got to know, he cursed the water to become impure. Garuda then begged for forgiveness citing the instructions of the Lord to bring these waters. This caused a delay in Garuda’s return before which Lord Vishnu gave orders to Adhishesha who constructed a well by whipping the earth with his tail.

Garuda was highly regretful of his act. The Lord consoled him saying that he would establish a river, which is believed to be the Kedilam river. A ceremonial bath is celebrated annually to commemorate the event.

kamalAsanasthitha bhArgavInAyaka – Thaayaar is also called Sri Bhargavi, and she is seated in padmAsana on Bhagavan’s right lap.

karuNavIkshaNa kamalavilOchana – the One who exudes compassion from His Lotus-like eyes.

kanakAmbaradhara – the One wearing a golden attire

bhuvana sundara- the most beautiful One in the entire Universe.

Sri Swamiji would wonderfully say, bhuvana sundara does not just mean the most beautiful one in the Universe, it also means the One because of whom the Universe is beautiful.

nigamAnthadEshika AshrithacharaNa – the Feet where Sri Vedanta Desika sought refuge

The great Vaishnava Acharya Sri Vedanta Desika Swami, resided in this kshetra for more than 4 decades and most of His Divine works have been bestowed here, and have a direct or indirect reference to this Perumal. Swami Desikan had darshan of Lord Hayagriva and Garudazhwar here after meditating in the hill called Oushadhachalam. His house, Desika Maligai, adorned with a dwaja sthambam, is situated near the temple, in which resides His Divine Portrait.

nityamahOtsava – the One who is celebrated every day with festivities

nirmalAkAra – the blemishless One

nijabhakthim dEhi thava charaNayOrmE – Bestow true devotion to Your Lotus Feet

nidhirEthadEva mama dEva dEva – O Lord of Lords! That (devotion to You) would be my greatest wealth.

chandrakalAdhara kamalahastha – In this kshetra, Perumal has given Darshan in three forms Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu himself. He has three eyes like Shiva. It is said that the Bhagavan carried chandrakala too in olden days. So Sri Swamiji refers to Him as chandrakalAdhara (Shiva) and kamalahastha (Brahma).

shankhachakradhara shyAmaLavarNa – The One holding the conch and the disc, the dark-hued One

mArkaNDEyamuni sEvithacharaNa – the One whose Feet has been worshipped by Sage Markandeya

muraLIdharajanma sthAnadEva – the Lord of the birth place of Muralidhara

Sri Swamiji with immense joy declares that Sri Devanatha Perumal kshetra is situated in that very place that Sri Swamiji incarnated.


darshanam dEhi dEvanAtha




रागम्: आनन्दभैरवि तालम्: आदि
(तिरुवहीन्दपुरम् – देवनाथ पेरुमाल्)

दर्शनं देहि देवनाथ – (तव)

01. गरुडनदीतीर उल्लास वास
कमलासनस्थित भार्गवीनायक
करुणावीक्षण कमलविलोचन
कनकाम्बरधर भुवनसुन्दर

02. निगमान्तदेशिक आश्रितचरण
नित्यमहोत्सव निर्मलाकार
निजभक्तिं देहि तव चरणयोर्मे
निधिरेतदेव मम देव देव

03. चन्द्रकलाधर कमलहस्त
शङ्खचक्रधर श्यामळवर्ण
मार्कण्डेयमुनि सेवितचरण
मुरलीधरजन्म स्थानदेव




ராகம்: ஆனந்தபைரவி தாளம்: ஆதி
(திருவஹீந்த₃புரம் – தே₃வநாத₂ பெருமாள்)

த₃ர்ஶனம் தே₃ஹி தே₃வநாத₂ – (தவ)

01. க₃ருட₃நதீ₃தீர உல்லாஸ வாஸ
கமலாஸனஸ்தி₂த பா₄ர்க₃வீநாயக
கருணாவீக்ஷண கமலவிலோசன
கனகாம்ப₃ரத₄ர பு₄வனஸுந்த₃ர

02. நிக₃மாந்ததே₃ஶிக ஆஶ்ரிதசரண
நித்யமஹோத்ஸவ நிர்மலாகார
நிஜப₄க்திம் தே₃ஹி தவ சரணயோர்மே
நிதி₄ரேததே₃வ மம தே₃வ தே₃வ

03. சந்த்₃ரகலாத₄ர கமலஹஸ்த
ஶங்க₂சக்ரத₄ர ஶ்யாமளவர்ண
மார்கண்டே₃யமுனி ஸேவிதசரண
முரளீத₄ரஜன்ம ஸ்தா₂னதே₃வ




rAgam: Anandabhairavi thALam: Adi
(thiruvahIndapuram – dEvanAtha perumAL)

darshanam dEhi dEvanAtha – thava

01. garuDanadIthIra ullAsa vAsa
kamalAsanasthitha bhArgavInAyaka
karuNAvIkShaNa kamalavilOchana
kanakAmbaradhara bhuvanasundara

02. nigamAnthadEshika AshrithacharaNa
nityamahOtsava nirmalAkAra
nijabhakthim dEhi thava charaNayOrmE
nidhirEthadEva mama dEva dEva

03. chandrakalAdhara kamalahastha
shankhachakradhara shyAmaLavarNa
mArkaNDEyamuni sEvithacharaNa
muraLIdharajanma sthAnadEva


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