Happiness forever…

Once there lived a sadhu by the roadside in a crowded city. He was ever immersed in chanting the Divine Names in His sweet voice and would always try his best to make everyone laugh. The one noticeable feature of this sadhu was that he always wore this long dirty coat. He would never remove it even if it was a sweltering hot day. Some enjoyed his company while some thought he was just a wayside mad beggar. Passersby would toss coins at him and he would pick them up carefully. None knew where he kept them or what he purchased with that money.
One fine day, he attained the Holy feet of God. His passersby who knew him wanted to cremate him. When they searched his belongings they found that he had left a note that he should be cremated with his coat on. Though everyone found this to be a strange request, they decided to fulfill his last wish. The funeral was arranged and his mortal coil was set aflame with the coat on as he had insisted. Within a few seconds, the whole scenario was transformed to a “Diwali”-like day. Crackers were bursting and colourful sparklers were burning from his coat. Everybody’s spirit was lifted and the whole occasion resembled a joyous celebration. That’s when everyone realized that the sadhu had bought crackers with all that money and stacked them up in his dirty coat. His pure intention was now crystal clear to all. He wanted to make everyone happy at all times!